SUAVE and the Future Opportunities and Challenges of MEV: Part I

An overview of the new MEV proposed architecture and some of its key implications for the future of the space.

Jesus Rodriguez


Image Credit: Flashbots

Maximal extractable value(MEV) is one of the most intellectually fascinating topics in the blockchain ecosystem. The post-merge Ethereum world has seen clients such as MEV-boost become the standard to address MEV in the Ethereum blockchain sparking similar ideas onto other blockchains. Despite the value created by MEV-boost, there are plenty of challenges and risks. Recently, the team from Flashbots unveiled their ideas around a new architecture called “Single Unifying Auctions for Value Expression(SUAVE) which attempts to address some of the most relevant remaining in the MEV space. The thing about SUAVE is that is not just another MEV architecture but it can completely change how we think about MEV. This is the first of a series of short posts that discuss some of the architectural details around SUAVE and its implications.

Block Building Centralization and Other MEV Challenges

On the surface, the main goal behind SUAVE is to inject even more decentralization in the process of MEV extraction. The obvious question is why is that necessary? After all, wasn’t MEV-Boost…



Jesus Rodriguez

CEO of IntoTheBlock, President of Faktory, President of NeuralFabric and founder of The Sequence , Lecturer at Columbia University, Wharton, Angel Investor...