“Hitler Was An SJW” | Meme Exploder

John Davis
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017

A humor column. Don’t overthink it.

Meme of the Week:

It seems to be common nowadays to mis-categorize one of history’s most psychotic, bloodthirsty hate-tornados as a part of a decentralized movement, aggressive in pushing against intolerance and sexism, so I’m here to help explain.


  • SJWs, or Social Justice Warriors are known for “safe spaces”, “triggering”, infinite discussion on privilege, and advocating for inclusion and tolerance ad absurdum. This group’s controversial beliefs and tactics make them… well, controversial.
  • Just in case you’re reading this from a LeapFrog, Mein Failüre was an unsuccessful art student who blamed many of his and indeed the world’s problems on certain groups, particularly the Jews.


  • The term “liberal arts” is used for the sake of putting the word “liberal” next to the name of this vomit stain on the blouse of history, and to attack the segments of college education some believe are responsible for creating all these SJW “snowflakes” in the first place. (But I’ll have you know my B.A. in Early Pig Latin Studies has served me quite well.)
  • Also, the term “privileged” is used to invoke SJW terminology–privilege being the ultimate vice to SJWs. However, “privileged” ≠ inferior/malignant, and is not first on the list of words Fingerpaintin’ Adolf often used to describe the Jews.


Simply put, “SJWs” aren’t the ones with the murderous, ethnic-superiority-complex hangups. What they are militant about is rejection of bigotry and insensitivity–to the point of blocking the highway during protests, mind you–but you’ll have to take my word for it that it isn’t about racial purity/world conquest.

Don’t believe me? Look it up. You’re already on the internet, anyway.

