Using Docker in genomics workflows

Pubudu samarakoon
Into the genomics
Published in
6 min readOct 29, 2019

Why use docker in genomics workflows?

Genomics workflows implement a broad range of programs that have many dependencies. Typically, many different research groups develop these programs, and they are updated independently of one another. Therefore using such applications in a workflow can lead to various challenges. Importantly, significant issues in genomics workflows are related to their portability, reproducibility and conflicts in required dependencies. Docker provides an effective solution to address these issues.

In this article, I’ll first provide an overview of the docker technology that includes a brief introduction to docker, docker concepts and a set of frequently used docker commands. Next, I’ll demonstrate the utility of docker technology in DNA sequence analysis using BWA, samtools, Picard and GATK3 docker images.

What is docker?

Docker is a widely-used container technology that allows users to bundle software into standardised packages. In other words, docker allows users to create an isolated copy (instance) of one or more applications, including their dependencies and deploy them on a host system.

Docker is a type of container. “A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. A Docker container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings.”

Docker is not a virtual machine (VM). A VM can isolate an entire operating system (OS) and deploy as guest systems. Therefore multiple VMs can deploy multiple guest systems on a host. However, since a single VM contains a complete copy of the guest OS, implementing multiple VMs on a host is a resource-intensive task. In contrast to VMs, docker only packages the code (of an app) along with dependencies and enables them to run them on a host. When deploying multiple containers on a single host, they can share the host OS kernel. Therefore Docker containers require less computational resources than VMs.

Why we need docker?

Docker provides a single solution to multiple key issues

  • Lack of isolation of processes within a system
  • Higher demand for resources when implementing multiple isolated environments
  • Issues related to reusability of application in different operating systems

In essence, docker enables users to develop and test applications locally, and ship them to any other computer, cluster or cloud in a way that guarantees the same behaviour.

Docker concepts

source image

Docker has three main components — Docker engine, containers and images.

Docker engine

  • Docker engine lives on the host computer and can carry many containers
  • Docker engine manage resources accordingly

Docker containers

  • Containers enable to run processes by exposing them to the host OS
  • A single container can have a single isolated process (or multiple processes on rare occasions)

Docker images

  • A Docker image is a file with all the instructions needed to execute an application in a Docker container. Therefore docker images are used to initiate docker containers.
  • You can use any Docker image in docker-engines independent to the underline OS
  • By creating a docker image, you can improve the portability of your application. i.e., You can transfer a docker image into a docker engine that runs on a different OS and expects the same behaviour.

How to build a docker container

The process of building a docker container in three main steps.

  • Step 1: Create the Dockerfile that provide instructions to build the container
  • Step 2: Use docker build command to pass the Dockerfile to docker engine. Docker engine then build a docker image that helps run the specified process
  • Step 3: Use docker run command to start a container using a docker image. Docker container initiated in this step runs alongside with other containers in the Docker engine.

The blog-post — A fast and easy Docker tutorial for beginners (video series) provides a well described overview of the docker technology

Useful Docker commands

Check the docker version
> docker — version
Download (pull) docker images
> docker pull <IMAGE NAME>:<TAG>
List docker images
> docker images
Build a docker image - docker build looks for the dockerfile and the "context" in the given path
> docker build .
Create a Docker container - create the container and print the containerID to STDOUT (do not start the container)
docker create
List Docker containers
> docker ps -a # list all
> docker ps # list running containers
> docker ps — filter “status=exited” # stopped containers
Start and run a Docker container (docker create + docker start)
> docker run [ OPTIONS ] IMAGE[:TAG] [COMMAND] [ARG…]
docker run options
: Starts the container in interactive mode.
-ti: Run shell commands inside a particular container
–name: User friendly name for the container. If the name is not specified, random string will be assigned as the container name.
-v <path to host directory>:<path to container directory>: map host directory to specified directory in the container
-rm: remove the container after executing the command
-p: map ports in the host computer to the Docker container
Executing an initiated container
> docker container exec
Stop a running a Docker Container
> docker stop [-t| — time[=10]] CONTAINERID [CONTAINER…]
> docker stop $(docker ps -q) ## stop all containers
Kill all running containers and clean the memory
> docker kill $(docker ps -q)
Deleting a Docker container (Stop the container before deleting)

Implementing genomics workflows using docker

Here, I’ll use a test dataset and implement a basic genomics workflow to highlight the use of docker technology in DNA sequence analysis.

Sequence analysis and variant calling workflow using BWA, Samtools, Picard and GATK3 docker images


  • Input
7859_GPI.read1.fq and 7859_GPI.read2.fq FASTQ files 
- from GATK google drive folder — tutorial_7859.tar.gz
  • Reference sequence
- two contigs from human GRCh38/hg38: chr19

Download docker images and initiate relevant containers

> docker pull biocontainers/bwa:v0.7.17–3-deb_cv1
> docker pull biocontainers/samtools:v1.7.0_cv3
> docker pull biocontainers/picard:v2.3.0_cv3
Download latest GATK release
> docker pull broadinstitute/gatk
Download a specific GATK release
> docker pull–7 ## specific GATK release
Run and initiate the gatk_3.6 image and follow GATK3 setup (download a licensed copy of GATK from the Broad Institute and copy GATK into your conda environment)
docker run — name gatk_3.6 -it -v <host directory>:/data <IMAGE ID>
docker container exec -it gatk_3.6 bash ## Follow GATK3 setup

Run basic steps in a sequence analysis workflow using docker

  • Indexing the reference genome
Initiate bwa container... and> docker run — name bwa_v0.7.17 -it -v <host directory>:/data <IMAGE ID> bashIndex the reference> bwa index chr19_KI270866v1_alt.fasta
# Create BWA index with
* files
Create *fasta.fai and *dict indexes for GATK analysis> docker run — name samtools_v1.7 -it -v <host directory>:/data samtools faidx chr19_KI270866v1_alt.fasta> docker run -v <host directory>:/data --rm <IMAGE ID> picard CreateSequenceDictionary R=chr19_KI270866v1_alt.fasta O=chr19_KI270866v1_alt.dict
  • Read-mapping using BWA mem
Execute BWA container... and> docker container exec -it bwa_v0.7.17 bashAlign *fq files to the reference> bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:t1\tSM:t1' chr19_KI270866v1_alt.fasta 7859_GPI.read1.fq 7859_GPI.read2.fq > 7859_GPI.aln_pe.sam
# Created 7859_GPI.aln_pe.sam file
  • Sorting SAM file, marking duplicated reads and indexing BAM files
Sort sam file and create a bam file, then index the bam file> docker run -v <host directory>:/data --rm <IMAGE ID> picard SortSam INPUT=7859_GPI.aln_pe.sam OUTPUT=7859_GPI.aln_pe.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate
> docker run -v <host directory>:/data --rm <IMAGE ID> picard BuildBamIndex VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT I=7859_GPI.aln_pe.bam
Mark duplicated reads in the indexed bam file and create a new marked-bam file> docker run -v <host directory>:/data --rm <IMAGE ID> picard MarkDuplicates VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT AS=true REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true I=7859_GPI.aln_pe.bam the marked-bam file> docker run -v <host directory>:/data --rm <IMAGE ID> picard BuildBamIndex VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT
  • GATK3 analysis and calling variants
Execute GATK3 container... and> docker container exec -it gatk_3.6 bashDefine intervals to target for local realignment> java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator \
-nt 4 -R chr19_KI270866v1_alt.fasta -I \
-o 7859_GPI.aln_pe.intervals
Perform local realignment of reads around indels> java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T IndelRealigner \
-R chr19_KI270866v1_alt.fasta -I \
-targetIntervals 7859_GPI.aln_pe.intervals -o
Call variants using HaplotypeCaller> java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T HaplotypeCaller \
-R chr19_KI270866v1_alt.fasta -ERC GVCF \
-I -o

In summary, this workflow uses multiple docker images that take *.fastq files and a reference genome file, and create a *.vcf file with a list of variants.



Pubudu samarakoon
Into the genomics

I’m an infinite learner, and I love to solve hard problems