About Into The Gray

Mirte P. van der Lugt
Into the Gray
Published in
1 min readAug 12, 2021

Humans are complex, yet in today’s world we increasingly look for simple answers in an endless sea of information. Once upon a time we sought the truth, today we find it. Confirmation bias is a click away and we prefer to side with the mob rather than make up our own mind. Why? What is driving us further and further apart? Why do we allow our politicians to point fingers to gain our votes? Why do we read headlines instead of articles? Why do we cancel instead of converse? What is stopping us from having honest and nuanced dialogue with those who think differently than us?

Into the Gray is a publication obsessed with finding the middle ground and convinced that the world is rarely black and white. Ultimately it is our hope that by trying to understand ourselves, we might be able to understand each other.

