IntoTheVerse — “Blockchain is the future: How the Decentralized Technology is Poised to Revolutionize Everyday Life.”

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Aimee Gilmore | IntoTheVerse
IntoTheVerse Journal
5 min readAug 28, 2023


A metaverse that is focused on creating utility, impact and provides players with total control.

“We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error.” (Tyler Winkelvoss)

Photograph by Riccardo Annandale at Unsplash

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology is a decentralized platform that creates a new system of transparency by recording transactions across a global network of computers, known as nodes. It removes the need for a central authority. All transactions are permanently stored on the chain, making the data tamper-proof and trustworthy.

How has Blockchain evolved?

Blockchain technology has evolved significantly since it first emerged in 2008 with the creation of Bitcoin:

2008: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Era

Blockchain technology was propelled into the public eye by Satoshi Nakamoto with Bitcoin. Although at this early stage, the focus was on digital currencies, the decentralized nature of blockchain emphasized its potential to be transparent and record all transactions on the network.

2011 - Present Day: The Creation of Altcoins

Blockchain continued to thrive and evolve as Bitcoin soared, and alternative altcoins were created. These altcoins were developed to overcome the scalability and transaction speed limitations of Bitcoin.

2015 - Present Day: Ethereum

Ethereum’s creation introduced the concept of smart contracts for the first time and enabled the development of decentralized applications (DApps) through blockchain technology.

As interest in blockchain grew, it attracted more industry giants, businesses, and entrepreneurs. It also resulted in the evolution of private blockchains, which gave individuals greater control, especially in industries, such as supply chain management and finance, where privacy is essential.

2020 - Present Day: NFT Evolution

The non-fungible token (NFT) evolution has transformed digital art into a new form of collectibles.

2020 - Present Day: DeFi (Decentralized Finance)

DeFi projects enabled the lending, borrowing, and trading of different cryptocurrencies and empowered individuals to have more control over their finances by improving upon traditional financial systems in a decentralized and open manner.

In response to DeFi’s success, Banks are now also creating digital versions of their national currencies, known as central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). CBDCs aim to improve payment systems, enhance financial inclusion, and address challenges posed by cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain technology was initially designed for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin but it has evolved to become so much more. Its potential to streamline processes, reduce fraud, increase transparency, and automate smart contracts continues to raise the stakes and make it limitless.

Photograph by Alex Knight at Unsplash

How does Blockchain have the potential to transform things in our everyday lives in the future?

Blockchain has the potential to be able to transform our everyday routines in a number of ways:

Digital Data and Personal Identity

Blockchain technology can empower individuals to have greater control over their digital data and identity. This will enable people to securely manage their personal information, which will reduce the risk of theft and fraud.

Security and Privacy Advancements

Blockchain ensures all actions are recorded on the chain. This makes it secure and enhances each individual’s privacy because it protects their personal data, financial transactions, and online interactions from hacks and unauthorized access.

Streamlining Finances

Blockchain will simplify financial transactions because it removes the need for intermediaries. Everyday activities such as transferring money, making payments, and managing investments will become more efficient, accessible, and cost-effective.


Blockchain can make accessing and sharing records easier across a number of industries, such as healthcare, real estate, education, supply chain management, and finance.

Within Government Initiatives

Blockchain can eliminate ambiguity in government initiatives by enhancing transparency in records, funding allocation, tax management, and voting systems.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts will automate paperwork, especially in regard to contracts, agreements, and services.

Blockchain also has the capacity to streamline job applications, lessons, resources, and qualification credentials in education.

Renewable Energy Initiatives

Blockchain could revolutionize renewable energy measures by enabling peer-to-peer energy trading, allowing excess energy to be sold to create a more sustainable ecosystem.

Photograph by Luca Bravo at Unsplash

In June 2023, there were 85 million Bitcoin block explorer wallet users and with a projected annual growth rate of 56.3%, blockchain technology will be estimated to be worth $163.83 billion by 2029. Challenges such as scalability, energy consumption, transaction costs, interoperability, and accessibility are all, however, blockers to mass adoption and until we tackle these ongoing issues, blockchain will remain a niche industry, driven only by entrepreneurs and enthusiasts.

In conclusion, blockchain technology has the potential to transform how we organize and carry out our tasks in our everyday lives. While blockchain is still a largely untapped technology, it has the capacity to reshape industries around the world and how we conduct our day-to-day lives. As blockchain continues to evolve, its decentralized nature means that whatever the future holds, we can embrace it knowing we have a technology that offers unprecedented transparency and trust.

Stay tuned for more tech articles from IntoTheVerse.

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Aimee Gilmore is a Creative Writer at IntoTheVerse. Come say hi to her on Twitter or Discord.



Aimee Gilmore | IntoTheVerse
IntoTheVerse Journal

Creative Writer at @IntoTheVerse_ Author, Editor, and Writer Specializes in Epic and High Fantasy, Metal and Magic, and Contemporary and Historical fiction.