IntoTheVerse — “The Rise of Web3 Startups: How Blockchain is Fueling Innovation.”

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Aimee Gilmore | IntoTheVerse
IntoTheVerse Journal
6 min readAug 14, 2023


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Photograph by Mika Baumeister at Unsplash

The emergence of Web3 has transformed the digital landscape. It leverages cutting-edge technology and principles, such as blockchain and decentralization, to create a more empowering user-focused intranet experience.

In recent years, Web3 has seen an influx of innovators and start-up companies. With the long-term potential of blockchain and the empowering nature of the Web3 community, and its ability for greater transparency and ownership, many entrepreneurs are investing in Web3 and using it as a means to push boundaries in both the creative and technological industries.

At IntoTheVerse, we wanted to explore how blockchain is fueling innovation and inspiring a new wave of start-ups.

Photograph by Alex Samuels at Unsplash

What is Blockchain’s Impact on Innovation?

Blockchain’s impact on innovation is limitless, especially because we are still in the very early stage of its evolution. It has the ability to disrupt traditional models, streamline processes, and introduce new ways to interact and collaborate together. Here are some of the main ways blockchain pioneers new ways of innovation:


Decentralization in blockchain technology is a game-changer because it records every single action taken and it allows individuals to interact directly with each other without the need for a central authority.

This creates a new system of tamper-proof records, which will transform employment, and how we live and interact with each other, through the integrity and innovation of stable Web3 companies.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into the code. They automate processes, reducing the need for intermediaries, and will be a springboard for even greater innovation in industries across the world.

Transforms digital data

Blockchain technology enhances data security and privacy and it ensures an individual’s digital identity is secure, as every action is recorded. It can also be used to reduce fraud across industries because it is immutable.

Tokenization and Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain technology has created a new monetary system with cryptocurrency and tokenization that threatens to turn traditional models on its head. These assets have also introduced new ways of fundraising digitally.

Photograph by Jason Goodman at Unsplash

Why are Innovators creating Start-Ups in Web3?

The Wild West of Web3

We are in the early stages of Web3 (the Wild West) and as it continues to evolve, it opens up more and more opportunities for start-ups to establish themselves as innovative pioneers in a new ecosystem.

Significant Impacts on our Society on a Global Scale

The decentralized nature of Web3 allows start-ups to have a global reach that is not as readily available in Web2. With geographical barriers no longer being a constraint, this encourages start-ups to make innovative changes that will positively benefit our world. This is especially prevalent in areas, such as Refi, supply chain transparency, and data privacy.

Technological Advancements

Web3 offers a new era of technological advancement and exploration with blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralization, so it is only natural that new start-ups want to contribute to such an expanding field. Many innovators also join Web3 because it aligns with their beliefs that all transactions should be transparent, that our personal information should be protected, and that we should use technology to make a positive difference in the world.

Greater Financial Inclusion and Economic Opportunities

Web3 offers a brand new playing field for innovators to showcase their ingenuity and talent density to access funding and have the chance to use cryptocurrency to make substantial financial returns. Web3 is the new Silicon Valley for investments and wealth creation.

A Supportive Community

The supportive nature of the Web3 community is also appealing to new start-ups because they can build a strong collective that gets actively involved in their journey. The emphasis on collaboration is also an untapped tool that can lead to even greater innovation within a start-up.

Photograph by Jason Goodman at Unsplash

What does the current Bear Market mean for Start-Ups in Web3?

A bear market in the context of Web3 and cryptocurrencies refers to a prolonged period of declining prices and negative investor sentiment across various digital assets, tokens, and blockchain-based projects. It’s a market condition where the prices of cryptocurrencies and related assets experience significant downward trends over an extended period, often resulting in a decrease in overall market capitalization.

Although there are certain challenges associated with the drop in the market, such as reduced funding availability, token valuation decline, project viability, curtailing of runway space for start-ups, and tougher competition for resources, recognition, and success. It can, however, also be a time of reflection, consolidation, and strategic planning for Web3 startups. Start-ups can fuel their innovation during a bear market in the following ways:

Focus to be more Innovative

A bear market can help a start-up refocus on their current strategies and give them the time to create new goals for their road map. It also gives innovators the time to create and build long-lasting, more robust, and creative products.

This enables start-ups to develop a sustainable long-term vision, which will prove invaluable when they seek additional funding and launch their product on the market.

It also enables them to scout for talent density because talent and resources will be more affordable.

Eliminates the Chancers

A bear market will always weed out projects that were driven by hype rather than substance.

This will also promote more faith in partnerships and collaboration with other start-ups and companies who have prevailed through a bear market because it shows they have genuine value propositions.

It is also a good time for the acquisition of other companies with valuable technology or a strong user base because the valuation will be more accessible and affordable.

Photograph by Nordwood Themes at Unsplash

In conclusion, Web3 offers start-ups a new playing field to evolve and grow. Web2 is dominated by big movers and shakers, whereas Web3 enables smaller innovators to follow their dreams and thrive. Blockchain technology also inspires innovation through its decentralized and transparent nature and offers safe, secure, and tamper-proof solutions to age-old questions.

As with any new technology, there will be certain challenges we will need to overcome to realize the full potential of blockchain, such as scalability, laws and regulations, and transaction speeds and costs, but in a world of ever-evolving technological advancements, choose a technology that redefines how we receive and interact with information, which promotes endless innovation, and that paves the way to reshape how we live and make a positive long-lasting impact on our world. Choose blockchain.

Stay tuned for more tech articles from IntoTheVerse.

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Aimee Gilmore is a Creative Writer at IntoTheVerse. Come say hi to her on Twitter or Discord.



Aimee Gilmore | IntoTheVerse
IntoTheVerse Journal

Creative Writer at @IntoTheVerse_ Author, Editor, and Writer Specializes in Epic and High Fantasy, Metal and Magic, and Contemporary and Historical fiction.