Intrachain’s Success Story

Intrachain Insights
4 min readDec 21, 2018

We are more than proud that our Intrachain Token Sale is already in full swing!!

Also, looking at the ratings and reviews we receive, we know that we can be proud of what we have achieved through hard work and dedication. To mention a view: these ratings include a 4.1 on IcoBench, a 4.4 on Findico, a 4.6 on TrackIco, and a 8.78 on coinlauncher. But not only are we receiving great ratings on listing sites but also plenty of reviews on youtube. Check out one of those by Martin Hacks.

We believe that especially four facts about Intrachain will drive it to success:

  1. Intrachain is no longer simply an idea. We actually have a working prototype and an ambitious roadmap.
  2. Our Intrachain Strategy is aimed at success.
  3. Our team contains of smart and experienced industry experts.
  4. And our advisors are deeply familiar with intragroup transactions and internal cost allocation in today’s business world.

Ambitious Road Map

We are not people that procrestinate. We are driven by ambition and dedication. This also becomes obvious looking at our road map:

As you can see, we already underwent quite a lot of steps of our roadmap:

01/11/2017–21/05/2018 Process Mining Engine

Developing and Distribution of the Process Mining Engine.
The software that is installed on the user’s PC to measure user activity. It directly collects the relevant data from the clients and passes it on onto the blockchain.

01/11/2017–05/01/2018 Intrachain Server

Developing the Intrachain Server. The server that receives and combines data from the process mining engine, sends data to the ERP system and Ethereum blockchain and interacts with the users via a Web UI. The Intrachain Server is the main part of DApps that contains five components.

08/01/2018–14/03/2018 Intrachain Engine

The core software that runs on the Intrachain Server, in-memory transactions mechanism that receives and operates data, starts the private Ethereum transactions, and more.

08/01/2018–05/05/2018 Regulatory Approval

Request to the german fincancial authorities has been processed. We opperate according to german law.

15/03/2018–21/05/2018 Intrachain API

A REST mechanism that allows creating transactions in the Intrachain eco-system from external software and external enterprise systems. It implements standard CRUD operations. The Intrachain API uses a special security layer for secure transactions and can be extended by adding other servers and services.

07/05/2018–26/07/2018 Local Database

Used to store configurations, Ethereum addresses, and rules for ERP adapters.

27/07/2018–02/10/2018 ERP

A process management software which automates and integrates e.g. core business processes.

15/03/2018–13/02/2018 Intrachain UI

A web interface to interact with company-specific users and initiate or approve some transactions.

And there is much more to come..

Intrachain Success Strategy:

We have a 3-step strategy at hands that aims at success. Take a look:

Working Prototyp:

Our Intrachain platform combines a process mining engine with a decentralized database. Intrachain hereby focuses on the collection of data traces on systems and the storage of tamper proof data in the blockchain. This technical architecture allows different use cases. We offer two Intrachain product solutions based on our customer needs. We can capitalize on the overall market trend for automation and data mining. Intrachain therefore has the potential to revolutionize the software market.

Our Aim

Data is often incomplete, nontransparent and inaccurate. Intrachain aims at achieving higher data quality by using new technological possibilities for its products.

Intrachain Private

Intrachain Private is a B2C software that tracks personal user behavior and offers the possibility to store the data on the blockchain. We embrace the trend in data tracking for private purposes and transform the current disadvantages such as security issues while creating the Intrachain Private Solution.

Intrachain Business

Intrachain Business keeps track of user behavior data and transfers them to the blockchain. Our Solution transforms relevant intracompany transaction data into smart contracts on the blockchain and automates account keeping and booking through smart contracts.

We have exciting times ahead of us. Stay tuned!

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Intrachain Insights is the first process mining software with an integrated blockchain for intra-group cost allocation and transactions.