Part I: How to spot a good Blockchain Company?

Arne Reimann
Intrachain Insights
4 min readAug 31, 2018

Note: I am not providing individually tailored investment advice, but rather providing an opinion when discussing ICOs.

Dear Intrachain Community,

In last week’s blog post I have explained why I find Blockchain so intriguing. Today, I want to give an insight on three blockchain companies that I personally find interesting because of the future-oriented technology they introduce.

As I have stated in my previous blog post, I have always been fascinated by new technological innovations. Especially because I am always on the hunt for technologies that have immense potential for both businesses and end-users. When you research blockchain companies or information about top crypto companies, you are most likely to come across those “Top Blockchain Companies to look for”-lists. As I have stated before, it is of immense importance that you do your own research and don’t only follow what others do. To come up with more refreshing recommendations of my own, I will highlight 3 companies beyond Ether and Bitcoin that are worth exploring.

However, before I start elaborating on interesting blockchain companies, it is important to highlight that this blog post only demonstrates my point of vies, and should not be considered a recommendation or advice for any person to purchase certain tokens.

Before I start, I want to again highlight the fact that the blockchain market is mesmerizing. It is expected that the global blockchain market will grow to over $60 billion by 2024 as more and more companies adopt blockchain technology and mass-use cases appear. Also, the benefits blockchain provides is used by thousands of companies around the world that try to solve market inefficiencies. I personally find it fascinating that these companies can be found in every industry imaginable.

Here are 3 companies on my radar using blockchain technology as a core piece of their business to make a difference. For each company, I will highlight one outstanding characteristic the company has to offer.


The San Francisco-based blockchain company 0Chain has developed its n-dimensional, deterministic, Byzantine DPOS blockchain technology to offer high-security enterprise-grade cloud storage for distributed applications (dApps). 0chain stands out from competing distributed cloud storage platforms by using a self-forking protocol which makes it possible to create a chain for a specific app or vertical, such as IoT or AI and tune consensus parameters according to the application. The platform does not require a fee to use the platform, it is only required to hold tokens based on users’ computational and storage needs, like a deposit. The company raised $39 million within weeks through private sale of tokens at the start of the year.

Outstanding characteristic:

The special value 0chain offers is in IoT and decentralized apps that can benefit from running in the cloud, using their costless distributed file storage methodology in a wholly integrated platform. Currently, all the latest solutions require using a number of different solutions and building the complex middleware to make sure all of these discrete systems can talk to each other.


The idea of the TraDove platform is to connect business partners with its business social network with faster discovery and better transparency. Their platform will utilize blockchain and AI-driven social networking technologies to further shorten the corporate buyer & seller discovery cycle, enhance B2B transparency, expand user trust, and allow for company-to-company precision advertising. In addition, TraDove will provide a better payment instrument for international trade.

Outstanding characteristic:

I strongly believe that TraDove is one of the top ICO’s of 2018. The company was founded by entrepreneurs from MIT, LinkedIn, Facebook, Amazon, and Alibaba. Thus, they have an outstanding team and advisory board that will help separate themselves and stay on the right path to success. Furthermore, with an already existing business model, they are destined to take the B2B industry by storm.

Celsius Network

Celsius offers the possibility to do banking on the blockchain and new way to deposit, borrow and earn interest with crypto. The aim of their platform is to enable users to earn up to 5% interest on their crypto while taking loans at 9% interest, using their crypto as collateral. Celsius has set its goal high: They want to bring the next 100 million people into crypto. Their idea might sound risky, but in my opinion, this is one to monitor.

Outstanding characteristic:

In my opinion, decentralized lending and borrowing is a good concept that unfortunately suffered a severe setback due to irresponsible companies and could thus not develop its full potential. I believe Celsius has what it takes to dominate the market and disrupt traditional banking.

As I have already stated, the blockchain market is mesmerizing and will grow to over $60 billion by 2024 as more and more companies in every industry imaginable adopt blockchain technology. In this week’s blog post I have highlighted 3 blockchain companies that caught my interest. While I believe these companies are worth watching, only time will tell which ones will end up succeeding in the end. Keep your eyes peeled.

Note: It is again important to highlight that I am not providing individually tailored investment advice, but rather providing an opinion when discussing ICOs.

In next weeks post, I want to talk about which elements are important to consider when you are thinking about investing in Blockchain companies.

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I will keep you posted on exciting angles of the Blockchain Industry. In the meantime, feel free to contact me on Telegram to chat with me and my Co-Founders.



Arne Reimann
Intrachain Insights

Founder & CEO of Intrachain. Within his role, Arne is responsible for defining Intrachain’s vision, overall strategy and business development.