The Intrachain Metrics

Intrachain Insights
2 min readNov 19, 2018

Dear Intrachain Community,

As we have announced last week: Our token sales is around the corner and will start December 3rd!! And today we want to tell you everything and more about our Intrachain Token.

Intrachain operates with the Intrachain Token. The Intrachain Token is a real utility Token. Further, it gives access to the Intrachain application and can be used to run transactions via the private blockchain. Our clients use the smart contract to prepay the usage of Intrachain. Also, they use their Intrachain tokens to pay for their transactions. Those transactions are made via the Intrachain blockchain.

Our Token in short:

Token name:
Intrachain Token

Token type:
Utility token

Token contract:
ERC-20 token

Token price during public sale: EUR 0,12

Soft cap:
EUR 3,0 Mio

Hard cap:
EUR 12,0 Mio

Personal caps:
Min: 0,5ETH — Max: 1500 ETH

And most important:

Start of Token Sale:

Next to the details of our token, we will explain how our token will be distributed and used:

Token Distribution & Use of Proceeds

Token Distribution

We originated a total token supply of 219,444,444 ICT. During the Intrachain Token Sale 50 % of the total ICT amout (109,722,222 ICT) will be offered. The remaining tokens are distributed between the Intrachain team, a bounty program, advisors, and investors.

Use of Proceeds

After penetrating the German market, Intrachain strives for the long-term goal to operate in the global market and provide the Intrachain Software Solutions to a global user base and multinational corporations. To further drive and expand our business strategy globally, our funds will be invested in the areas Business and IT Development, Expansion and Staffing.

Next week we will focus on explaining our software in a detailed way. Stay tuned!

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Intrachain Insights is the first process mining software with an integrated blockchain for intra-group cost allocation and transactions.