Like Yeah… by CASSIE HARPER for Anarchive: memory #01

Luis Berríos-Negrón
Intransitive Journal
2 min readAug 22, 2018
‘Like Yeah, But Nah, But Like Maybe?’ 05:02, 2015 © Cassie Harper 2015

This video is an entry presented to the public on the solar trestle at Anarchive: memory #01. Anarchive is about the future memory of natural history, of species extinctions, the weak messianic power of biodiversity, and the post-ontological dissociations that are conjured by the confluence between global warming, consumer culture, and digitalisation. This video poignantly captures a glimpse of such blurring forces.

Harper’s art statement about ‘Like Yeah…’ reads:

This video explores the influential and transitional introduction of social media applications. Social media platforms can either create the illusion of accessible socialising or the viewpoint that ‘Apps’ contain the ability to alter constructs of reality, whether you are directly involved with it or not, in place of actualised human presence. Utilising source information via applications including Facebook and Grindr, the video aims to formulate ideas of both personal and unknown identities being warped both intentionally and otherwise. Individuals who do not consume or partake within the Internet, are at some point involved within it’s online applications; as simply as a photographic representation of themselves or typed word. This video utilises humour to show humanity’s vulnerable nature in the Westernised technological modern era.

Cassie Harper (Australia, 1993) works with notions around LGBT culture, and combines discourse around reality and online life to create dialogue around the disparate differences of communication IRL vs URL. Primarily working with text, video and performance, Harper travels to varied destinations of contrasting political values toward LGBT citizens, and internalises locals opinions and his personal experiences on acceptance and daily life. The amalgamation of this collected experiential information and research data informs the medium and personal responses to experiences within differing contexts. Harper holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Monash University in Caulfield, Australia, and a Master of Fine Arts from Konstfack in Stockholm, Sweden.

for more information see



Luis Berríos-Negrón
Intransitive Journal

Editor of Intransitive Journal. Puerto Rican artist exploring the perceptions, enactments, and displays of environmental form.