Installing the Anarchive, Wk.1 & .2: memory #04
Report on the two-week solar greenhouse, digital fabrication, and agroecological gardening workshop for students from Konstfack’s department of Interior Architecture and Furniture Design
[click here for the Ledger of related works of the ANARCHIVE]
[click here for memory #05: opening the ANARCHIVE]
General Description
Naganthropic Anarchive is a public art installation for human-non-humans of all ages situated at the Gammelgaard Arts and Culture Centre. As part of Luis Berríos-Negrón’s doctoral qualification, it is a micro-geoengineering work, it will be a medicinal garden and semi-autonomous, solar-powered water harvesting plant. This will nurture the biodiversity of the adjacent pond and wetland, while providing free ‘memory water’ to the plants, animals, and visiting public.
The Anarchive is a component of the PhD dissertation titled ‘Breathtaking Greenhouse Parastructures’ taking place through the Konst Teknik Design joint doctoral programme by Konstfack / KTH, to be published in late 2019.
We give this installation workshop by invitation of, and in collaboration with Sergio Montero-Bravo and bachelor students from the Konstfack Interior Architecture and Furniture Design Programmer in Stockholm:
Alexandra Bäckstedt, Amanda Eriksson, Frida Navratil, Hebba Lejon, Inca Leijonborg, Ingrid Björklund, Julia Hager, Julia Rydbo, Klara Sandsjö, Kristoffer Knudsen, Linn Olsson, Louise Tungården, Sebastian Alneskog, Sofia Hesselstrand, Stina Larsson, Zandra Wellmar
Luis organised Installing the Anarchive Workshop as a hands-on, theory and analysis process to build the initial phase of the installation, as both form of pedagogy and research towards the realisation of Anarchive. The work uses recovered materials from my previous artwork Earthscore Specularium shown at Färgfabriken in 2015. We used hands-on site analysis, a critical 3D modelling and parametric approach to make an inventory of the recovered materials. With this we were able to establish the orientation, geometries, and assemblages of this small-scale infrastructure.
The workshop started with Luis’ lecture for the Konstfack students, and for the KTH master of architecture students of Ulrika Karlsson at the Bergianska botanical garden in Stockholm on April 23, 2019. From there on, the Konstfack students were set in several preparatory meetings prior to arrival on-site in Herlev. The work was ultimately divided in three groups, the Red group, Green group, and Blue group, each one working on resolving and fabricating the connections for the Paramodular greenhouse infrastructure, the peripheral terraces as public furniture, and a root zone water filtering bed, respectively. Please see below for the excellent process work realized.
Anarchive is a work of research funded by Konstfack University of the Arts & Crafts and The Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden, with added support by Gammelgaard. Very special thanks to the Herlev Kommune, Naturcenter Kildegården, Färgfabriken, the Stannow-Kirchmeier Family, and Felix Becker.