Staying Focused On The Customer While Keeping Up with Change

The beginning of a new year is a time to think about change. But anyone who has ever made lofty New Year resolutions in the past knows that making real change is a lot harder than just deciding to do it and snapping your fingers.

Change isn’t easy.

If it’s hard for a single person to make big changes, think about how hard it can be for an entire business to change. However, sometimes change needs to happen if a company wants to keep on growing, or even just survive.

With an ever-changing business landscape, it can become hard to find the right direction to head in during a transformation. Which tech is really going to be the next big thing? Which platform is going to be the one that a large percentage of your customers are going to migrate to? What is going to be the next big craze in your industry and how can you get in front of it?

We understand just how hard it can be for companies to make decisions about changing and then implementing them. There can be a lot of trying new things, failing, trying something else, and repeating until something sticks.

Our purpose here at the Intrapreneur Alliance is offer insights into navigating change and innovation within the world of business, and sometimes we need to bring in some ringers to help us do that.

Today we’re pleased to announce our first Intrapreneur Alliance event of the year: Staying Focused on the Customer While Keeping Up with Change.

For our first event of 2018, we’re bringing in a group of people who have helped their companies grow through change when it seemed too hard. We’ve invited a panel of innovators from some of Canada’s most regulated industries to hear their stories of how they managed to create change and innovation within their respective companies and industries. If they could make innovation happen in heavily-regulated industries, you can do it too no matter where you work!

If you’re in the Toronto area, come and join us on the morning February 28th for this breakfast panel sure to give you great ideas on how you can make change happen at your company.

We’ll be announcing the panelists for this event over the next few week, but you can reserve your seat for this event right now right here . Seating is limited, so don’t wait.

We can’t wait to see you at the event and help you make 2018 an amazing an innovative year for your company.



Intrapreneur Alliance Journal
Intrapreneur Alliance Journal

Celebrating the innovators, risk-takers, and change agents that are building the products of the future within large organizations.