My Personal Journal: 09–12–20 (Wednesday) — This is the last entry in this format, though.

Javier Z.
2 min readDec 11, 2020


Just a photo I took during the day inside my car. Since after this post I’m changing formatting: who cares ?

Yet, still these amazingly written series don’t have a lot or a big enough viewership.

Haha I know it’s kind of lame or weird to write laughs or that I’m laughing, but I can’t think of any other way that would be better than this one to let anyone reading this I’m laughing, but I am, people!

Well, it’s starting to feel kind of like *heavy.*

Not in the sense that doing this feels like a chore (it doesn’t) nor that this gives me a negative kind of feeling (it doesn’t neither), but in the sense that I’m kind of analyzing and reflecting more and more before, during and while I’m writing this.

So, following the previous scheme i have made, and in spite of me not doing this on Wednesday (I’m writing this on Friday, 3:30am aprox, and there’s only one person I’m messaging with), I’ll start with our first category, and wish to start, from this entry onwards, my day’s three main points in three different sections, which will also be on the publication but that I will serve as different articles from the main one. On the main one, I’ll try just writing the title and I’ll see.

So, this being the last of the diary entries I do in this somewhat extensive and difficult for many to read prose, I’ll start with my new one in what should really have been wednesdays’ post (which is actually being the last one).

Okay, so straightforwardly speaking: my journal entries will be intended to focus more on the looks and more organized for skim reading, with links to a deeper version of what is there written (which will be brief summaries or small pictures of the big thing).

I’ll be writing the small things as articles for my author profile, and the journal-related brief stories will be done separately, thus, I’ll be posting super skimmish-y articles in this publication, and their deep versions on personal / corresponding pubs.

So thank you guys for reading and see you in the next post!

(Below is my social media, oh, and I’ll also be writing with the thought in my mind that many will be reading me 😂 I know, hope it’s not that weird)



Javier Z.

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