all I want

Navya Sah
Intimately Intricate
1 min readSep 3, 2019

all I want is to be happy with myself.

But I keep checking my phone
for his texts
and for his smiley faces
and for his…everything.

I keep looking into the mirror and wonder
whether he would want me.
whether I could be wantable.

All I want is
to go towards anything or anyone who makes me happy

And so,
I seek my happiness in other things
and other people
and when I realise this
I just feel

And then I feel,
“ok now that I know this, I can help myself”
But then, I check my phone again.

(For no new texts to be seen.
and then,
I scroll up
smiling at our previous chats
and I miss him a bit more.)

