Am I Human?

Tien Skye
Intimately Intricate
1 min readSep 16, 2018
Illustration by Michal Dziekan

I am cheerful.
I am jocular.
Only when I am
with people.

But on paper,
I don't know
not to be sad,
how to show happiness.

My previous happy event
my next happy event
is nowhere in sight.

I am simply
empty vessel
with a heavy heart.

And worse of all?
I don’t know
how to function
like a normal person.

But I know
how to curl up
like a baby,
or how familiar
sinking feeling is
in my chest cavity.

So don’t talk to me,
don’t console me,
just walk along
to see what I see.

That’s all I ask for.



Tien Skye
Intimately Intricate

has a bad habit of referring to himself in third person point of view...and he just did it again...