and then.

Navya Sah
Intimately Intricate
2 min readSep 11, 2019

I don’t smoke
But I was smoking today

And I was noticing how the grey smoke actually looks a little blue in daylight.
And that smoke actually burns at both ends of a cigarette

It twists and curls like beautiful hair
Or a dancer on a dance floor
With ease and fluidity
And I thought about how I should know about different things to be a better writer

And then,
I thought more

As the smoke tickled the green leaves in my back yard
I said sorry to the trees for hurting them
But then I thought about the immense power that nature could use to hurt humanity

and I thought of it as an equally hurtful relationship from both sides
The only major difference being-
it could hurt and I was hurting.

And as I thought about all of this
And saw the beautiful smoke twist and turn on the bed of air around it
My cigarette burnt.

Lost in the twisting curls of thoughts
I didn’t smoke the smoke I was about to smoke today.

(and then
a rat ran past me and I ran after it to see if it entered my house

and then
I entered my house quietly and I had 26 whatsapp messages on my phone within this short period of pondering about life, nature and satisfaction

and then
I stopped thinking and got back to life)

