Architects of Wonder

tissie yamamoto
Intimately Intricate
1 min readJan 9, 2018
Pyle Oneiron, Julia Hayn

We are building the road to Heaven;
a stretch of stares climbing
surely but slowly into a final embrace.

When your eyes first found mine
in a smoky bar and laid that first stone
heavy with fate,
asking the question all eyes ask,
I saw the quickening my answer lit
and smelled the burning
of a far off signal fire.

Whenever I look away
from this labour of love
to mop the sweat from my brow,
my gaze finds distraction,
with the world’s seven wonders
and returns with a vow.
Seven more stones
to lay in a straight line to you.

We are building a highway
to Nirvana;
a pathway from me to you
and back again.

It’s not the journey but
the destination,
hidden by horizons, somewhere
over the cusp of the rainbow,
like a pill on a tongue promising

They talk of breakups,
hook-ups, sexting, texting
friends with benefits, exes and oh
yes the rebounds.
What do they know of the way home?

The world burns, the skies fall –
Why should that concern us?
We are building the road to Heaven,
one stare at a time.

