
Intimately Intricate
1 min readOct 29, 2017

Tomorrow morning

Wikimedia — Lung Cancer (No. I don’t have that!)

And she wants me to feel calm
and she wants me to trust
and she tells me that all is fine
but she’s a busy lady
and her schedule is full
six months of a wait
for the non-emergent state

And she wants me to stay calm
and she wants me to trust
in her words and her attempt
to feed me calming lies

And she tells me to not worry
about the things that were noted
but, do, please come, in forty-eight hours
for the biopsy of that thing

And so she tells me on Saturday morning
twelve hours after the pictures that had me wondering

And so… now..? Only 24 more hours to wait…

I hate waiting



Intimately Intricate

Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋