Holiday Wishes & Such for Terijo

Mike Thorn
Intimately Intricate
3 min readDec 8, 2017

The little preemie you had sweet thoughts n prayers for is fine… Uhh Nope… Scratch that, he’s blooming awesome!! 7 months old yesterday and able to sit up, bounce all over the house and, I believe, crawl. Ha!! Thanks from our hearts to yours and it was my lil Wifeling’s idea to send you a Christmas pic…

❤ ❤So here it be…

In other news the Little Pretty is quite fine and happy as a kitten with milk in her whiskers… and No she doesn't have a moustache; that's my department!! She said to tell you, “Hi and Merry Christmas!!”

Me?? Well, it seems I’ll find out how many fusions I’ll need on my spine on 13 Dec. (One day before our 10th Anniversary!!!) It seems the Doc was thinking 6–10 from my x-ray~ two day surgery~ a week in the hospital~ 6 months to heal up… Sounds like fun to me, right?? WRONG. But the pain she keeps on growing more powerful all of the time and as my Bride said, “I want you to enjoy your life, not endure it!” SweetStuff, she is indeed!!❤

Definitely Mine.

This is my Wifeling with our eldest Grandchild (22) at Thanksgiving dinner… That lil Grandchild is quite sweet and a vegan to boot. Some of her food is incredibly edible…

All of the Wifeling’s food is delish!!

S P A C E…

Mine and mine.

This sweet lil soul is our youngest Granddaughter and lives with her Mama in a different state. We got to meet her in August and she’s a blast and a handful!! There is a small young man a few miles from here, a Grandson, who could brighten up any one’s day! (I’m hoping he will learn to ride & yes, we gave him a candy-apple red Sting Ray chopper for his 7th birthday that we had saved since he was Six months old!) We have a Grandson and a Granddaughter in yet another state who are, hmm, 17 and 13… I think, but no recent pics… Maybe at Christmas, cuz that’s all we ever ask for from them.

Terijo, from our home to yours, we wish the best the Holidays can bring to you! It was amazing to see you go from, “Wow DUDE! 600 followers,” to what, 3.2 Thousand?!? Please take care of you. We are happy that your one year anniversary of UGH is over, so we expect great things, as always!!

❤ ❤



Mike Thorn
Intimately Intricate

Have an awesome, loving, lovely Wifeling & great children. Interested in other’s stories, mostly. Have a few of my own. Upper 10% Medium Reader.