
where my heart aches

Artemis Shishir
Intimately Intricate
2 min readNov 11, 2018


Photo by Xan Griffin on unsplash

I squint, trying to look ahead in the darkness as I stand on the shore of my life. I smell the salt in the air as the large wave of indecision rises, ready to crash down on me at the slightest chance.

Go back home, the voices whisper.

I wonder aloud. What is home?

Is it the place I’ve spent the first few years of my life wanting to get out? Is it the place I didn’t want to come back to, yet returned to every night?

I look back at my footsteps on the sand, the younger me happy to move to a new house. He thought he found a home.

I smile.

What is home?

The place I was born? Or that faraway land — of green fields and blue rivers?
Stories of the land I grew up hearing tales of?

The moon rises across the navy blue sky dotted with twinkling stars. I stand alone, undecided.

What is home?

Is it the love of our dear ones? Or the love of unknown ones?
A home away from home?

They say home is where the heart is —

I wonder.

Where is home?

