If I could be her

Indira Reddy
Intimately Intricate
1 min readJun 18, 2018

I see her in my mind sometimes,
grown graceful in age, in acceptance,
a gentle smile playing kindly
on her self-assured face

A lighthouse signalling respite,
she stands firm against stormy seas,
ready with the will and the idea
to forge a solution

I see her in my mind sometimes,
a Her I once thought I would be,
shining now in brief flashes
of imagined memories

I blink back tears of peace
as I awaken to my sordid reality,
bound insolubly to hearth and house

Fear reclaims pride of place,
exulting in trembling nerves
while anxious eyes search
for the direction of the next blow

the next sacrifice,
cut from my flesh —
flesh made willing
by the promise of pain withheld

She appears, peeking between
the tatters of my soul,
a red flag of possibility

I raise my eyes to meet hers
and she moves impossibly far away,
my very own pocket mirage

I sigh, lower my eyes,
and crawl back
into my makeshift armour,
wait for the next dream
of a future
I let him rip out of me

A response to Terijo’s beautiful prompt and her wise words.



Indira Reddy
Intimately Intricate

Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…