Intimately Intricate Prompt #1

What’s right with me? I’ll tell you…

Intimately Intricate
4 min readDec 7, 2017



I am nice,
fiery and fierce
yet loving and giving
These are all good things, right?

Also? I am that person,
who takes more than she should
and that is often taken wrong
and taken advantage of…
These are not such good things
apparently… to some…

Some of you need to hear
that giving is never weakness
It is strength beyond your reasoning
a spine forged in steel
that you cannot
Not now
probably not ever
And all I can say is


I have yet to find
a person who can field
the things that have
been attempted,
as yet to succeed,
by those who tried
so ardently
to girdle me.

I have yet to see
one with a capability
to reject
with the force
of their culpability
of their time
with me
the things
to do to me

I am more resiliant
and in sync
with the force
of nature
With the refusal
of your take
on the brink
of insanity
of what you want
from me

I can


I know this
from my past history
I can
and will
and have
over and over again
taken any punishment
attempted or delivered
and always


You want me to fall down..?
You want me done
and subserviant?

Tell you what

Kill me outright
Cuz that’s what it’ll take
make no mistake

It’s your only resolution
to the problem
that is ME
and my constitution

What’s right with me?
It’s really so simple
and something you’ll never see

I am just me


I am stronger
than you

Ok. So.

I am coming up on an anniversary of last December that I’d rather forget. And I am told that the person I just described is actually me.

I think I’m starting to see that, but, it’s difficult.

(My therapist laughed at me when I told her I was weak for letting that POS affect me this long. Yet, just yesterday, I had to call on someone who’d much prefer I left him alone, just so I could have the courage to face my demons and get my ass home. That? To me..? Is weak…

Sorry for that!

My only excuse is that, you ARE that safe place for me. And I needed you. I, also, Thank you.

For being THAT Human who helped me along.)

Now then…

This is an idea I got from our own The Solitary Cook

Tell me…

I want to hear your stories… your versions. Of

“What’s RIGHT with me.”

The parts of you that make you who you are. Regardless of what anyone else may think or say… The things you KNOW.

I know I’m strong. I know this is a temporary weakness, because it’s the first anniversary of the last shit that happened to me… And what happened is entirely HIS fault. Not mine. Whew. I said it.

Ok. My Therapist would be proud of me. I’ll show her this later.

Now. Business…:

My guidelines are the same here as they were with LL and PUC, and a bunch of other places I write. I agree with everything previously said. Drafts only please. Poetry, prose, essay, whatever you’re feelin’… Figure out how to post pictures you’re allowed to… and not something that you stole.

For the moment, I’m going to add Heath’s awesome post about a seriously criminal site that steals photos… with some very clear directions about how to NOT do that…

(I LOVE this article by Heath, by the way. So perfect!!)

Additionally? And should go without saying…

Do NOT send me uncredited photos. Not even your own. A simple “Mine” will work, but, know this… I will check. Also, a “CC0” WITH a link to prove it also works… No, there’s not a lot of trust on this front. Sorry.

Understand, and remember? I am not just a writer, I am also a visual artist. People steal my stuff on the regular, and I do NOT like it. If you wouldn’t like it done to you? Don’t do it to someone else… If you don’t know how to find a free photo? ASK. Or? Try Pixabay, Pexels or Unsplash. Or read Heath’s article. He gives GREAT directions! DHBogucki has many of his own up for free use,

and Miles White pointed out several other resources for free photos here:

Give ’em a go. And issue them a credit, whether they ask for it or not. It’s the right thing to do.


Do NOT send me anything that could in the least way be interpreted as anti- anybody. My world demands that a difference in anything is a reason for a conversation. Not judgement or annihilation. You will be blocked, reported, and excoriated. Don’t wake the redhead… Really… Not a good idea. I promise…

Just. Don’t. Do. It.

K? K.

I’ll make up a better guideline later… I am tired, stressed, and more importantly? Both needing and wanting to hear what makes you? YOU.

Talk to me, hmm?

Since this is my first prompt? It’s a mess… Ask me questions if you don’t understand. It’s ok. My prompt is a mess… Forgive me for that. I’ll work on it.

If you’re not a writer here yet? You can send me a love note, with a link to your profile, and at least one example of your work to:

And I’ll take a look, and see if we’re a good fit…

Otherwise? You know what to do…

Let’s go…




Intimately Intricate

Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋