Love Yourself as Whole

Muthia Huda
Intimately Intricate
1 min readFeb 18, 2023
Photo by Hakeem James Hausley:

Somehow life gets better
when the only reflection
you see,
in those puddles,
in those glasses,
in those windows,
in those mirrors,
is you.

Not to worship yourself,
but to observe every inch
of your skin,
to expose your eyes,
your mind,
to your flaws.

The more flaws you see,
with the right light,
the stronger
your willing becomes
to fix yourself,
to mend every bend of yours,
to fill every gap of yours,
to enlighten every dimming part
of yours,
to draw your smile wider,
to grow more love in you,
to water the withered flower of yours,
to clean the dirt on you,
to sew the ripped clothes you’ve worn,
to change the broken glasses
you’ve put on for years.

Not so you can change
who you are,
but so you can accept
every side of yours,
so you can love you
as whole.



Muthia Huda
Intimately Intricate

a medical doctor, a poet, an Indie author of “She Was Almost Dead” (Available on Google Books)