New Dawn

Intimately Intricate
2 min readMar 31, 2019


Image by the author

I need a new start
like April greets the warmth of Spring
at least, here in the Northern Hemisphere
and sends March running away in fear
like the song of the Robin’s red breast
makes my heart beat
like the kiss of the sun in the morning
beats away the chill of the night

I need a new place
a new beginning
a new space
I need a new peace
my own special Spring
a chance to breathe freely again.

I need the brindles and browns
the blues and the greys
the cold winds that chill my bones
to melt away
into the bright greens and yellows
vibrant reds and pinks
with the scents floating on the air
the flowers and herbs
making me feel welcome again.

I need a new Spring
a new day
a new dawn
I need the warmth of the sun in my face
the water lapping at my feet
the sand between my toes
the breeze against my cheek
to make me whole again



Intimately Intricate

Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋