Not for me

Intimately Intricate
2 min readOct 21, 2017

I think about the love that surrounds me
I think about the love that people share
It astounds me
I think about the love that eludes me

And I think I understand…

I think about the love of those
who care for me
I think about the love of those
who attempt
to cater to me
and the falsehoods
promises broken
from the moment they’re spoken
from the first one said
years ago
to the one spoken
They’re all the same

Why bother speaking
words never intended
to be kept
held to
that higher standard?

I think about the love of those
who defer to me
False words to
avoid my temper
because they fear the wrath
that they have deservedly

Foolish searches for temperance
when actions have
earned nothing but
the infinite ire
of one who desired
nothing more
never delivered.

And I think I understand…

I think about the love that I’ve witnessed
Watched it curling into the abysmis
Witnessed its defrauded, degrading, delusional


Until finally
the soul that once was
a better version of
becomes that
shell of ash
that will finally

I’ve seen it all
I’ve watched it happen
I refuse to let it happen
Not to me
Not again.

I think about the love that surrounds me
I think about the love that is
shared around me
I think about the love that
eludes me

And I think I understand…

It’s not for me.
Never will be
Take what I can get,
for my soul
needs the feeding
feels the needing

Take what I can get,
whatever that may be
Take what I can get,
because there’s nothing more

Not for me.



Intimately Intricate

Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋