Note to self

Adam Millett
Intimately Intricate
Jul 10, 2021

Enjoy the party,
Enjoy the hangover too,
Enjoy all that it is.

By enjoyment I’m not talking about having
Blatant fun,
I’m talking about your

Nothing you do or think is ‘wrong’
As long as you’re not
Intentionally being a willyhead to the world.
As long as you’re not really harming folks.

Enjoy your party and
Enjoy your hangover too.

And enjoy all the bits in between as well.

As best you can of course;
Nothing more is required.

(No worries if you stumble sometimes;
We all have to learn how to fall in life before
We can truly learn how to fall for ourselves)



Adam Millett
Intimately Intricate

Freelance writer for hire with a passion for sustainability. Check out for my blog and for details about my writing services.