Tammi Trew
Intimately Intricate
1 min readJun 2, 2018




Child of six,
small feeble and weak,
refugee tongue
did she speak,

entrapped between
scared mother and
father’s anger streak.

Small arms folded,
protecting her ears,
shuddering in the corner
in tears.

Face misshapen
bruised and battered,
reducing her physical presence
was all that mattered.

Not a peep
did she make.
No sudden movements,
Hiding in his wake.

Eyes fixed
on the familiar scene,
her mother
hurling backwards
in a painful scream.

Her body hits the floor,
both arms overhead,
protecting herself
from a wine bottle.
Shards of glass
it shed.

The loud booming
menace of a man,
anger is all he knew.
Face twisted,
wanting obedience
with the back of his hand.

And in this moment,
shaking with fear,
the mouse of a girl,
young in her years,

made a pledge
from this day forth,
to forever protect her mother,
for all she was worth.

