The Box

John Gillen
Intimately Intricate


I dreamed I was sitting at a long conference room table

Infinite in both directions
And there
Seated with me
On either side
Were business formal
Android people
And we sat in identical conference room chairs
And there was some kind of boring meeting going on
And a muddled corporate montone droning about nothing

And before me
On the table
Sat a strange sort of box

It was black and inscrutable but emitting pure light

I looked at the other faces and found only a common stupor
A standard issue staring and drooling
But no other eye seemed to see the box

Then gravity shifted
And we all fell into the wall
There was an opening that lead out into a firey abyss
And as I fell
I grabbed for the box
And caught it just as it was about to be lost

I planted my feet on either side of the opening
And held on the box with everything in myself

It was dense and I screamed
The box had the weight of a dying sun
But I pulled it back from the abyss and slammed it on the table
And set the world aright
And I shuddered with adrenaline and gasped through tears

Then everyone came to congratulate me
On the good deed I had done

And I stabbed my fingers into many throats
And ripped out jugular veins

Hating them for not seeing the box
When it was still sitting on the table

I awoke with the same out of breath sweat
And cried until morning

