The Death Of Me

Muthia Huda
Intimately Intricate
Oct 2, 2021
Photo by Heloisa Vecchio from Pexels

clouds are over me;
I let the wind take me,
let the rain taint me,
let the storm dawn free,
and freeze my sanity,

clouds are over me;
I let them all fool me,
let the death touch me,
let the dark hold me,
and fade my clarity,

I let the past pull me,
let the pain haunt me,
let the ghost run free,
ruin away my bliss,

I let the fire burn me,
churn me, turn me
into this piece,

I let it all
kill me.



Muthia Huda
Intimately Intricate

a medical doctor, a poet, an Indie author of “She Was Almost Dead” (Available on Google Books)