source: me

The Last Leaf

Randy Cooper
Intimately Intricate


Why does the leaf hang on so
Does it know fear
The fear of the end of one’s life
Can it be afraid of losing the support
from the tree that holds it
That has nurtured it
Given it life for so long
but is about to enter into a new cycle of life
Knowing that it must go on its own
Does it know that it may become a seedling
That it may form a new life
Can a simple leaf realize
That life from life is nature’s way

But the wind blows
and change comes with it
With change comes hope
But what happens when we run out of hope
Does hope die
or does all hope rest on one last leaf
And with it one more chance at life
Does life begin again as long as there is one last leaf

Change it is inevitable
and necessary for all of us to grow



Randy Cooper
Intimately Intricate

So we have truly come full circle. After a long absence I've come home so to speak. The fire starts to burn again and the rage still live inside.