
Intimately Intricate
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4 min readOct 16, 2019


My Granny with her Prince circa 1973

“Just put one foot in front of the other and you’ll get there. No matter what happens. You just keep going.”
-Granny circa 1975

Recently told
I was “playing the victim”
being raped
being laid off
being homeless

That all of these things were my fault.
If only I’d made better choices
If only I’d been in other places
If only I’d been more humble
If only I’d done as I was told


I wasn’t allowed to speak
of it to them
because they didn’t want to hear about it

That’s when I heard the first rumble


My soul breaking
for the loss of those that
I used to trust
I used to be proud of
I used to think the best of
I used to try to protect

Not any more

Thunder starts
there’s no stopping it
it rolls just like they say
Angels bowling in heaven
deal with the earth shaking
heal from the aftermath
of what has been done



Intimately Intricate

Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋