Truth as Loud as Thunder

Thunder: Intimately Intricate & The Writing Cooperative Contest

Danielle Dahl, MSML
Intimately Intricate


Photo Credit Danielle Dahl

I could hear it rumbling far away
While I stuffed my bags with my possessions
I was constantly having to leave, while secretly hoping to stay
She needed me and it was my deepest confession

The booming was so forceful, it shook the walls
My grandma was here, surveying the scene
Since my mother hadn’t been answering her calls
The table turned upside down, white powder on it,
didn’t leave many lines to read between

The thunder crashed, the sound of truth escalating
Lightning lit the sky up for all to see
In this moment it was clear, there was no hiding
The sad truth was that my mother was always going to leave me



Danielle Dahl, MSML
Intimately Intricate

Weaver of words. Our stories of trauma can help others create change. Leadership professional. Co-Founder at