JavaScript Object Property Descriptors, Proxies, and Preventing Extension

Thomas Hunter II
17 min readAug 16, 2018


This post is adapted from a talk I gave at Node Summit 2018 entitled Property Descriptors, Getters/Setters, and Proxies, Oh My!

At Intrinsic, we build a product to secure Node.js applications. We do so by locking down access to sensitive resources and only allowing whitelisted operations. This requires intimate knowledge of the internals of Node.js, as well as care when interacting with untrusted input from app code and third party dependencies. Untrusted code can be intentionally misleading using two very powerful JavaScript features: property descriptors and proxies.

Basic Objects

Objects are everywhere in JavaScript. At their core they are complex key/value stores, commonly referred to as a “Hash Table” data structure. While one can add as many dynamically named properties to an Object as they like, for performance and security reasons it’s better to use a Map in those situations (read our article on Prototype Poisoning if you’re interested in the security implications). Objects are better suited for handling a static number of properties with known keys (think class instances).

const x = { // create object
prop1: true

x.prop2 = 42 // add property

x['prop2'] = 'quux' // reassign property

delete x.prop1 // remove property

console.log(x.prop2) // read property, 'quux'

Of course, I referred to Objects as “complex” key/value stores. Each property has meta information tied to it, interactions require lookups in the prototype chain, etc. These each have performance considerations and may not be beneficial to your particular situation which is again why a Map is often better for dynamic collections of data.

Property Descriptors

Property descriptors are the first feature we’re going to take a look at. If there’s one thing you should remember about them it is that property descriptors let you lie. If you think about the intuitive basics of an object, it’s that you can write a property to an object, and then read that property back, and nothing crazy should happen. Well, with property descriptors, one could modify the value when it’s being written, reply with a different value when being retrieved, or even throw an error at any point in time. The basic syntax for defining a property descriptor looks like the following:


In this example, obj is an Object which you want to define a property on. propertyName is a string name of the property. Finally, descriptors is an object describing the property descriptors. Let’s now take a look at the different types of descriptors which can be set.

Value and Enumerable

The most basic property descriptors are value and enumerable. value contains the value which will be returned when the property is being read. enumerable determines whether or not the property will be visible when listing the properties of the object. Here’s a code sample using these two property descriptors:

const obj = {}Object.defineProperty(obj, 'foo', {
value: 'hello', // the property value
enumerable: false // property will not be listed
console.log(obj) // {}
console.log( // 'hello'
console.log(Object.keys(obj)) // []
console.log(Reflect.ownKeys(obj)) // [ 'foo' ]
console.log('foo' in obj) // true

In this example, the value of the foo property in our object has been set to the string 'hello'. Because of this, when we log, we get a result of 'hello'.

However, the enumerable property descriptor has been set to false. This has a few implications, mostly that it becomes a little harder to discover the foo property if we don’t know to look for it. For example, when we call console.log(obj), we get an empty object in return. When we call Object.keys(obj), we get an empty array in response. If we know the name of the property we can still use the in operator, like we’re doing with 'foo' in obj, which returns a true. However, keep in mind this doesn’t completely hide the property, as we can still find it using Reflect.ownKeys(obj).

Have you ever been told that adding a method to an object’s prototype is a bad practice, because that property will now be present in loops? Or that you always need to use Object#hasOwnProperty() when enumerating properties? I know I’ve read that advice dozens of times, but usually without an explanation why. The reason it’s not good practice to simply add a property to an object’s prototype is that the property will be enumerable by default. By specifically setting this property to false it then becomes safe. Consider the following example:

const proto = {}
const obj = { ok: 1 }
obj.__proto__ = proto
for (let key in obj) console.log(key) // [ok]

proto.bad = () => 42

for (let key in obj) console.log(key) // [ok,bad]
for (let key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
console.log(key) // [ok]

In this first example we’ve created a method on our object’s prototype called bad by simply assigning the method to a property using proto.bad. What we instead need to do is the following:

const proto = {}
const obj = { ok: 1 }
obj.__proto__ = proto
for (let key in obj) console.log(key) // [ok]

Object.defineProperty(proto, 'good', {
value: () => 42,
enumerable: false

for (let key in obj) console.log(key) // [ok]

In this new example we create a method called good, and that method is set using the more verbose Object.defineProperty() syntax. Now, when we iterate the properties of our object, we don’t see our rogue prototype method and we no longer need to use the Object#hasOwnProperty() check.

Writable and Configurable

While value and enumerable dealt with reading properties, writable and configurable deal with writing properties. If a property has writable set to false then that property’s value cannot be reassigned another value. If a property has configurable set to false then it cannot be deleted and it cannot have its property descriptor changed again. The following code example shows these two property descriptors at work:

const obj = Object.defineProperty({}, 'foo', {
value: 'hello',
writable: false, // reassignable?
configurable: false // deletable/redefinable?
}) = 'bye'
console.log( // 'hello'
console.log( // 'hello'
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'foo', {
value: 1
}) // TypeError: Cannot redefine property: foo

Getters and Setters

Getters and Setters are some pretty interesting property descriptors, specifically because they allow us to call functions which we define when reading or writing to an object. These are powerful tools with security and performance considerations. The following is an example of the get and set property descriptors:

const obj = { realAge: 0 }

Object.defineProperty(obj, 'age', {
get: function() {
return this.realAge
set: function(value) {
this.realAge = Number(value)

console.log(obj.age) // 0
obj.age = '32'
console.log(obj.age) // 32

In this example, we have an object which has a numeric realAge property. For sake of this example consider it being hidden from the outside world. Now, we also have another property called age which is how others will interact with the underlying realAge property. The get property descriptor for age will be called when we read the property, and will simply return realAge. However the set property descriptor will first take the value which is provided, convert it into a Number, and then set realAge to the number we’ve created. This feature prevents others from setting a non-numeric age value on our object and keeps our data in a consistent shape.

As of ES2015 there is an even more convenient syntax for defining Getters and Setters on our objects. We can now describe them using the Object Literal syntax. As an example, the following code will result in an object which behaves very similarly to the one above (with a few minor differences which we’ll cover later):

const obj = {
realAge: 0,
get age() {
return this.realAge
set age(value) {
this.realAge = Number(value)

console.log(obj.age) // 0
obj.age = '32'
console.log(obj.age) // 32

All Object Properties have Property Descriptors

Every object property has a property descriptor, even if we don’t set one using the Object.defineProperty() method. We can use another method, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(), to read a property descriptor. The different methods of adding properties to objects will result in different default values (which is why the object literal getter/setter in the previous example differs from the one before it).

This first example shows the default property descriptor when creating an object property using the object literal syntax (this also applies when using the dot syntax to assign a new value):

const obj1 = {
a: 1

.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj1, 'a'))

value: 1,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
} // (e.g. Data Property)

As you can see, the three properties writable, enumerable, and configurable each default to being true. This first type of property descriptor is called a Data Property.

In this next example, when using the getter/setter object literal syntax, things look a little bit different:

const obj2 = {
get b() { }

.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj2, 'b'))

get: Function,
set: undefined,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
} // (e.g. Accessor Property)

This is a different type of property descriptor, called an Accessor Property, and looks a little different than the one before it. Note that the value and writable properties are missing and that the get and set properties are now present. A particular property descriptor needs to be either an Accessor Property or a Data Property, they can’t be combined, e.g. it wouldn’t make sense to have both a value and a get property (which one would contain the retrieved value?)

When you use Object.defineProperty(), but don’t specify values, they will default to being false:

const obj3 = Object.defineProperty({}, 'c', {
value: 'xyz'

.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj3, 'c'))

value: 'xyz',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: false
} // (e.g. Data Property)

This can be a little counter-intuitive (at least it is for me). For example, when we use the dot syntax to add a property, the three properties default to being true. Keep in mind the default values whenever you use Object.defineProperty(), otherwise you may get some unintended results.

Pop Quiz!

Now that you’re familiar with property descriptors, let’s take a look at a situation one might encounter. This is an example of the many kinds of situations our product Intrinsic protects against:

// What code could lead to this outcome?
if (typeof obj.p === 'number' && obj.p > 10) {
console.log(obj.p) // outputs the string 'lies!'

In this example we have an if statement. This statement checks to see if obj.p is a number, and it also checks to see if obj.p is greater than 10. If both of these situations are true then we run the body of the if statement which is to print the value. However, when we print the value, we receive a string of 'lies!' instead! Can you think of why this may happen?

The reason this happens is because we’ve defined a getter property descriptor on our object. This getter keeps track of the number of times it has been retrieved. By default it will respond with a number 12. However, once this value has been retrieved twice, it will then respond with a string:

let accesses = 0
const obj = Object.defineProperty({}, 'p', {
get: () => {
if (accesses++ >= 2) {
return 'lies!'
return 12

Now that you know why it is happening, do you have any ideas of how to prevent it from happening?

This situation can be prevented by reading the value from the object a single time, assigning the result of that read to an intermediary value which we control, and then acting upon that value:

const p = obj.p // read object properties once
if (typeof p === 'number' && p > 10) {
console.log(p) // 12

The benefit of this approach is two-fold: First, the value obviously cannot mutate anymore. Second, future accesses of the value are now more performant. For example, no lookups for the obj prototype chain need to happen. And if any getters are being used we no longer have the overhead of calling their functions. If you repeatedly access object properties in a hot-path of your application consider caching the values like we’ve done here.

Sealing, Preventing Extension, Freezing

Sealing, Preventing Extension, and Freezing allow you to lock down an object to varying degrees. Each one of these approaches has the same effect; an object will no longer be extensible, meaning that new properties cannot be added to the object. However there are small nuances which affect each approach as well.

It is worth noting that objects within one of these locked down objects will not be affected (since they are two different objects). For that reason you may want to consider recursively locking down objects.


An object can be sealed by calling Object.seal() on it. Sealing is useful in the situation where you have an object and you want it to adhere to a certain set of expectations regarding the properties it has, however you don’t necessarily want to prevent changes to those properties. Every property on a sealed object will have its configurable property descriptor set to false, however their writable PD won’t change. There is a correlating Object.isSealed() method to see if an object has been sealed.

const obj = { p: 'first' }

obj.p = 'second' // OK
delete obj.p // fail silently, throw in strict
obj.p2 = 'new val' // fail silently, throw in strict

console.log(obj) // { p: 'second' }
console.log(Object.isSealed(obj)) // true
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'p'))
// { value: 'second', writable: true,
// enumerable: true, configurable: false }

Preventing Extension

An object can be prevented from being extended by calling Object.preventExtensions() on it. This is useful in situations where you don’t want new properties to be added to an object. Existing properties can be modified and deleted. It is the “weakest” when compared to Sealing and Freezing an object. It has a correlating Object.isExtensible() method to see if an object can be extended. Existing property descriptors are not modified.

const obj = { p: 'first' }

obj.p = 'second' // OK
obj.p2 = 'new val' // fail silently, throw in strict

console.log(obj) // { p: 'second' }
console.log(Object.isExtensible(obj)) // false
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'p'))
// { value: 'second', writable: true,
// enumerable: true, configurable: true }
delete obj.p // OK


An object can be frozen by calling Object.freeze() on it. This is the most extreme tool to lock down an object as no properties can be reassigned, added, or deleted. The property descriptor of each property will have both their writable and configurable values set to false. There is a correlating Object.isFrozen() method which will tell you if an object is frozen.

const obj = { p: 'first' }

obj.p = 'second' // fail silently, throw in strict
delete obj.p // fail silently, throw in strict
obj.p2 = 'new val' // fail silently, throw in strict

console.log(obj) // { p: 'first' }
console.log(Object.isFrozen(obj)) // true
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'p'))
// { value: 'first', writable: false,
// enumerable: true, configurable: false }


Here’s a summery of the different methods for locking down objects.

Object Sealing, Prevent Extension, and Freezing comparison in JavaScript

Note that isExt is short for isExtensible. reassign is whether or not a property can be assigned another value. del is whether or not properties can be deleted. add is whether or not a new property can be added.


If property descriptors let you lie, then proxies let you lie in fun and imaginative ways! A proxy is essentially a new object which can be used as an intermediary for intercepting calls to an existing target object. Much like with property descriptors, proxies can be defined by using an object with key/value pairs where the key is the name of the “proxy Trap”, and the value is a method to be called when interacting with the proxy.

There are about a dozen proxproxy Traps, and if a trap has not been defined then the operation will fall back to performing the default behavior. For example, one of the traps is for getting a value. If you attempt to get a value from a proxy and haven’t specified the get trap, then the proxy will simply retrieve the value from the target object.

Proxy Traps will typically have a correlating Reflect method. For example, the has trap has a correlating Reflect.has() method.

The basic syntax for defining proxy traps looks like the following:

const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler)

Note that if you interact with the original target object, the proxy traps will be bypassed entirely (examples of this are shown below).

Proxies can be quite useful for writing test code, where you want to assert that very exact operations are being performed on objects.

Get Proxy Trap

The get proxy trap is pretty similar to the getter property descriptor in that both of these can be used to call a function when retrieving a value from an object. However, the get proxy trap is much more powerful. Whereas the property descriptor getter needs to know the name of a property ahead of time, the get proxy trap will be called regardless of the name of the property being accessed. It will even fire if the property doesn’t exist at all!

const orig = { p: 7 }
const handler = {
get: (target, prop, receiver) => {
// target === orig
// receiver === proxy || receiver === child
return prop in target ? target[prop] + 1 : Infinity
const proxy = new Proxy(orig, handler)console.log(orig.p) // 7
console.log(orig.r) // undefined
console.log(proxy.p) // 8
console.log(proxy.r) // Infinity

In the above example the get proxy trap will check to see if the prop property exists in the target object. If it does it will return an incremented version of the value. If it does not it will return Infinity.

Note that the receiver object will either refer to the proxy object itself, or to a child object which has the proxy somewhere in its prototype chain.

Has Proxy Trap

The has proxy trap is called when code attempts to see if a property exists within an object.

const orig = { p: 7 }
const handler = {
has: (target, prop) => {
return false
const proxy = new Proxy(orig, handler)console.log('p' in orig) // true
console.log('r' in orig) // false
console.log('p' in proxy) // false
console.log(Reflect.has(proxy, 'p')) // false
console.log(proxy.p) // 7

In this example we always reply with a false, which will make it difficult to tell if a property exists within an object.

Set Proxy Trap

The set proxy trap is called when a value is being set on an object. Much like the benefits of the get proxy trap over the getter property descriptor, this method is called for every single property being set on an object, even if you don’t know the name ahead of time.

const orig = {}
const handler = {
set: (target, prop, value, receiver) => {
target[prop.toUpperCase()] = String(value)
const proxy = new Proxy(orig, handler)

orig.p = 1
console.log(orig) // { p: 1 }
proxy.hello = 1
console.log(orig) // { p: 1, HELLO: '1' }

In this example we will intercept the setting of values. We then uppercase the property name, and stringify the value, before setting it on the underlying object. This can allow us to construct an object similar to the Node.js process.env object.

Note that the receiver object will either refer to the proxy object itself, or to a child object which has the proxy somewhere in its prototype chain.

Delete Proxy Trap

The delete proxy trap is called when a property is being deleted from an object.

const obj = { p: 1, r: 2 }
const handler = {
deleteProperty: (target, prop) => {
if (prop === 'r') delete target[prop]
return true // falsey will throw in strict
const proxy = new Proxy(obj, handler)delete proxy.p
delete proxy.r
console.log(proxy) // { p: 2 }

In this example we only allow the delete to affect the underlying target object if the property name is exactly 'r'. So, when deleting proxy.p, the operation has no effect, but when deleting proxy.r, the property is removed.

Object Keys Proxy Trap

The ownKeys proxy trap is called when we attempt to list the keys within an object. It’s triggered in a variety of ways, such as running Object.keys(), Reflect.ownKeys(), for (prop in obj), etc., on an object.

const sym = Symbol()
const orig = { p: 1, r: 2, [sym]: 3 }
const handler = {
ownKeys: (target) => ['p', sym]
const proxy = new Proxy(orig, handler)console.log(Object.keys(proxy)) // ['p']
console.log(Reflect.ownKeys(proxy)) // ['p', sym]
.getOwnPropertyNames(proxy)) // ['p']
.getOwnPropertySymbols(proxy)) // [sym]

In the above example our object has three properties, namely 'p', 'r', and a Symbol. However our ownKeys proxy trap will always respond with 'p', and the Symbol. Depending on how the keys are accessed, the “correct” results will be returned. For example, Object.keys() will only provide string keys.

Apply Proxy Trap

The apply proxy trap is called when a function is called. The second argument is the value of this when the function is called. Arguments to the function are provided as the third argument in an array.

function orig(msg) {
return `Hello, ${msg}!`

const handler = {
apply: (target, self, args) => {
return target(String(args[0]).toUpperCase())

const proxy = new Proxy(orig, handler)
console.log(proxy('world')) // 'Hello, WORLD!'
// Also, Function.prototype.apply(), .call()

In this example we intercept the function call, capitalize the first argument, and pass that to the underlying target function.

Construct Proxy Trap

The construct proxy trap is very similar to the apply proxy trap. However, it is specifically called when the new keyword is being provided.

class Original {
constructor(arg) {
console.log(`Hello, ${arg}!`)

const handler = {
construct(target, args) {
return new target(String(args[0]).toUpperCase())

const OriginalProxy = new Proxy(Original, handler)
new OriginalProxy('Tom') // 'Hello, TOM!'

In this example we also take the first argument, capitalize it, and then provide it to the underlying constructor function. Note that this works with any function, not just those defined using the class keyword.

Get/Set Prototype Proxy Traps

The getPrototypeOf, and setPrototypeOf proxy traps are called when attempting to access the prototype or when trying to override the prototype, respectively.

const orig = {}
const handler = {
getPrototypeOf: (target) => null,
setPrototypeOf: (target, proto) => {
throw new Error('no way')
const proxy = new Proxy(orig, handler)

console.log(orig.__proto__) // {}
console.log(proxy.__proto__) // null
console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(proxy)) // null
console.log(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(proxy)) // null
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(proxy, {}) // Error: no way

In the above example we’re lying whenever the prototype is accessed and saying that the value is null. Whenever one attempts to override the prototype we then throw an error. This can be useful for locking down an object and preventing prototype modifications.

Extensibility Proxy Traps

The preventExtensions and isExtensible proxy traps are called when running Object.preventExtensions() and Object.isExtensible() on a proxy.

const orig = {}
const handler = {
preventExtensions: (target) =>
isExtensible: (target) =>
const proxy = new Proxy(orig, handler)console.log(Object.isExtensible(proxy)) // true
console.log(Object.isExtensible(proxy)) // false
// Note: Can't lie, otherwise will throw Error

In this example we’re simply calling out to the correlating Reflect methods and returning the values. However we could also throw an error or log the access if we wanted. Note that we can’t actually lie in these situations. For example, if you call Object.preventExtensions(proxy), and don’t actually prevent extensions on the proxy object, then JavaScript will throw an error. The same thing happens if you lie with the isExtensible result.

Property Descriptors Proxy Traps

And finally, the defineProperty and getOwnPropertyDescriptor proxy traps are called when either setting or getting a property descriptor of an object.

const proxy = new Proxy({}, {
defineProperty: (target, prop, desc) => {
if (desc.value === 42)
Object.defineProperty(target, prop, desc)
return true
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: (tgt, prp) => {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(tgt, prp)
Object.defineProperty(proxy, 'p', { value: 42 })
Object.defineProperty(proxy, 'r', { value: 43 })
console.log(proxy.p, proxy.r) // 42, undefined

In this example we only allow the defineProperty proxy trap to modify a property descriptor if the value being modified is equal to 42. When reading the property descriptors we simply trigger the default behavior. This is useful for only allowing certain property descriptor settings to be set, or enforcing that all new properties have their configurable property set to false, etc.

Proxies + Property Descriptors

Each of the features we’ve looked at in this post can be combined. For example, let’s take a look at combining a proxy with a property descriptor:

const orig = {}
Object.defineProperty(orig, 'name', {
get: () => {
console.log('2. prop desc get')
return 'Thomas'
const proxy = new Proxy(orig, {
get: (target, prop) => {
console.log('1. proxy get')
return target[prop]
console.log(`3. ${}`) // 1. proxy get
// 2. prop desc get
// 3. Thomas

In this example we’re using both the get property descriptor applied to our orig object, as well as the get proxy trap with the orig object being the target. When we attempt to read the name property it first calls the proxy trap, then calls the property descriptor, before returning the actual value the calling location.

Of course, there will be some performance overhead for calling these functions when getting a value from an object, not to mention cognitive overhead to figure out what’s going on, so use them sparingly in production applications.

This article was written by me, Thomas Hunter II. I work at a company called Intrinsic (btw, we’re hiring!) where we specialize in writing software for securing Node.js applications. We currently have a product which follows the Least Privilege model for securing applications. Our product proactively protects Node.js applications from attackers, and is surprisingly easy to implement. If you are looking for a way to secure your Node.js applications, give us a shout at

