Final Project Link, and Reflection

Kameron Blasiman
Intro to Historical Study
1 min readDec 9, 2021



This class has taught me that there has always been more then 2 types of resources for research, beyond the Primary and Secondary sources and to look at them in a different fashion. It is not just black and white, but rather an arrangement of colors referring to academic, primary, and secondary sources, and you had taught me to look outside the box for research. I remember looking at the archive site I’ve been using and just sitting there for a few hours looking at pictures and documents trying to find what I need. The most important thing I feel we learned, was to find the right sources, and I know I still have trouble with it, but I have made progress and because of this I enjoyed it.

I had enjoyed this class, it wasn’t that difficult nor stressful and because of that im thankful. If I had needed to retake this class, I wouldn't be mad as it was fun to look at archives, and enjoy a project of our own thought. Thank you for allowing me to be allowed in this class.



Kameron Blasiman
Intro to Historical Study

I am going to CNM in my third semester and I am going for a History Degree with no specific area.