Historical Thinking: Evaluation of Primary Sources

Christopher Martinez
Intro to Historical Study
2 min readOct 26, 2020

On part one of this four part assignment we are asked to evaluate one paper in the primary sources that where provided. I thought that there was a lot that was discussed in page 2 than most the others because it talks about the prostitution and gambling problems going on in the state. The purpose of this problem was because the government was corrupt and the mayor was given money to keep quite on the topic like a security plan for the prostitutes in the town of Columbus.The argument at stake here was the prostitution was not a loud within certain feet of building in the town but it was going on and why would the mayor let this continue. The 24th Infantry was no help in the madder ether as they were their own problem in its self, with some of the people in the group of military troops being on drugs and getting liquor in the town. The people in the town had a problem with the 24th Infantry because of their past run ins with white folks and feared they would receive the same treatment despite the discharge of most for the bad members, Officials in Washington wanted them out the town too because they were “a grave menace to peace”. The only think keeping them in the town was the New Mexico officials because they new if they got rid of the military in the town there would be no one to replace them and many people would go bankrupt. I would of dealt with this problem by forcing the officials in Washington to give Columbus a new Infantry. I would like to add that Pancho Villa raided Columbus in 1960 so removing their Infantry only four year later sounds ridiculous and that was something that should of had been added in the articles. I feel that the articles were well spaced in sure someone had to travel over night to get some of these’s messages out. I thought that reading all this was going to be harder than normal books but it was not and this does require and extra amount of attention to detail because you really need to understand everything.

