Identification of a research topic and question

As soon as I saw that we could chose our topic I knew I was going to be righting about guitar because the guitar is something that I can be passionate about on my own time. I started playing the guitar when I was going threw many life changes and it has helped me cope with it. Since I stared playing I have gotten a lot better at it at first I was very bad and just couldn’t get the hang of it but after about one month I was fully able to play this song I had been practicing. The guitar is something any one can play and im sure a lot of people do. Most people have one just sitting around with dust on it for me I stared playing when one of my friends just always had it laying around but no one played it till I adopted it. Now for my research question I want to find out where exactly where they came from, and who where the first people to play them. I chose these questions because I never took a rock and roll history class in high school nor did I even take the guitar class so the origin of the guitar is very confusing to me.

