Life after Covid-19

Donovan Troelsen
Intro to Historical Study
2 min readSep 3, 2021

A lot has changed for everyone since march 2020, socially, economically, mentally and physically. For me, some things have changed, and some things have stayed the same but the one of the most important things it did was bring my family closer together than it had previously had been. I moved back home with my mom, right before the initial outbreak, which I detested at the time but turned out to be a very good move considering the chaos of the next year. The first big change that came out of Covid-19 for me was a promotion at my job. I began the outbreak with limited hours and then eventually furlough, I actually feared I was going to be let go altogether. Today, I'm in a very comfortable, full-time position that is very flexible with my school schedule. I'm very grateful to have maintained my employment during this whole ordeal, especially when so many lost so much. The other huge change was dealing with my grandparents decaling health. My grandma moved in with us in Santa Fe so she could be closer to medical care and my grandpa has been moved to a nursing facility in Abq. These things cause tremendous stress on a family, and have been a major adjustment for everyone. But, as I said before, out of all the negatives, came a positive, i spent valuable time with family, it was like we rediscovered our bonds after me being away for so long, it was nice.

Hopefully 20 years down the road, people will look back at my story, or anybody’s story from this time period and say we experienced some of the greatest trials and tribulations ever faced in 2020, we experienced pain and suffering brought on by the pandemic and social deterioration and economic heartache. But we faced these challenges with dignity and strength, and the ingenuity of the human spirit. We did our best to protect our families, our liberties and our livelihoods. It wasn't always easy, it drove a very large wedge in our society, but we endured and we prevailed. that's what i hope they write about this period in history.

It is my sincere hope that, future generations learn our stories, and learn of not only our triumphs, but of our tragic failures and how we can prevent something like from ever effecting the world again. This is why it is important, this is why it matters, we cant go through another Covid-19 pandemic, the costs to the world in terms economical, the rise of authoritarianism, social and geo-political damage is staggering and will take years to recover from. This must never happen again.

