My history of experience during the Pandemic

Aaron Alexis-Destine
Intro to Historical Study
3 min readSep 5, 2021

When Covid-19 hit, I believe a lot has changed in the world. I had to process of how to handle my lifestyle at the beginning of the pandemic. When they announced that everything has closed like gyms, parks, etc. I had to changed the way I exercise everyday. I had to find other ways to motivate myself to keep my body healthy. When I go to grocery stores, I find out that hand sanitizers, Toilet papers, and hand soaps always sells out, I had to find a substitute to use like tissue as toilet paper. I also had to go to grocery stores early to get supplies and sometime those items sold out. During the pandemic, I had to deal with the information that helps me prevent getting covid. For example, when they announced that we must keep 6 feet and wear face mask, I had to make my own face mask and had bought a couple of face mask. I had to keep 6 ft away when I go to barbershops, stores, going to a bus etc. I had to follow everything that the CDC recommended like washing my hands, social distancing, etc. So, I had to protect myself every single day to get covid. I had some hard times financially too during the pandemic like paying rent and utilities. But those stimulus checks really helped a lot. During the pandemic, I had to change lifestyle when I work at APS. When I go to work, everything had to be virtual. I had to take a required weekly COVID-19 testing as requirement to make sure if I don’t get covid. I still did not get Covid. When they annouced that there are vaccines like Johnson-Johnson, Moderna, Piezfer, I had to look into which one works best but I had heard the controversy of the Johnson-Johnson vaccine with the blood clots. Some of my coworkers had gotten vaccinated. I had to long talk with my mom and she told me that Piezfer was the best option. So, I had gotten both shots of the Piezfer vaccine back in June meaning I am fully vaccinated. With everything reopened and the delta variant happening, the pandemic had taught me so much. It motivate me to take my health more seriously now that people are dying due to covid and delta variant. I think that we are far from over from this. I am still following the guidelines. Now that I am returning to work in a week, I still had to follow the guidelines and COVID-19 requirements they provide. In the end, I believe that people in 20 years will know my story by looking at how the pandemic had started for me, knowing the history behind the pandemic, and how I got handle it everyday. I believe that my future family will know my story. What I am doing to preserve my history is keeping a journal that tells what happened in my life during the pandemic. I would identify certain events in my life that involved in the pandemic like handling information about the pandemic like COVID-19 and the delta variant and changing my lifestyle during the pandemic. The reason why it matters is because I think people need to understand the historical context how COVID-19 began and how it affected everyone in today’s society. They would need to analyze how the pandemic really change history across the globe.

