Unit 5 Part III (Reflect)

Aaron Alexis-Destine
Intro to Historical Study
1 min readOct 30, 2021

For me, I really loved doing this entire exercise in this unit. Doing this entire exercise really helped me learned a lot. I learned that there are so many possibilities when it comes analyzing any historical study. I have to be more informative in looking to the root of evidence that is supposed to be any source (Primary and Secondary) of any historical work. The insights that I had gained from the processes and work that goes into creating historical narratives is looking and researching all the primary and secondary sources that. I also gained new way of trying to take notes in analyzing historical work like the P.A.P.E.R. acronym. Based on that, I would definitely think differently when I read differently. The reason why is because I do feel that there is still gonna to be information that is missing or questionable. So, I might not get the right answers to any historical work. There may be more questions then answers. I would want to have more pictures in this document activity. The reason why is because I do believe that it will help back up to what is happened in any historical work mainly the 24th infantry. So, I learned so much with this assignment in the end.

