Unit 5 Week 2, Article 1

Kameron Blasiman
Intro to Historical Study
2 min readOct 20, 2021

The report that we are going over is the look from an agent going into a town named Columbus New Mexico giving what he had seen in the town with the report named “Memorandum on conditions in Columbus N.M. From October 1920 report of director of bureau of protective social measures”. The report goes into detail in the first page about how prostitution, segregated marriage with army officials, as well as gambling in the open streets. He goes onto the next page talking about the 24th Infantry regiment stationed near the town, which is a full black regiment that the white population of the city hated and were against in secret fearing vengeance against the 24th infantry to be put on them.

The next page goes into what the agent recommends.

The agent recommends removing the 24th infantry from New Mexico, based on the statements above. He goes on to say that this is recommendation is based on the how dangerous they are to themselves with unregulated prostitution as well as a corrupt official ring. Because of this I believe he is telling the truth of his thoughts based on what he reported fearing their lives from themselves and the population surrounding them. He is trying to get what he wants based on the fact of proving what is going on down there as well as goes into detail on what is affecting each one, causing the problems in whole. He goes on in the 2nd to last paragraph saying, “if these soldiers were placed in a community already equipped with necessary laws against vice, etc., and made to feel the hand of authority from the beginning both from the civilian and military authority, they could doubles be properly controlled and protected”. And I feel this shows how much this person cares, both in the good and bad. I feel it is connected to the papers of the time, where people would lie to save face but at the same time say some truth which this man does well.



Kameron Blasiman
Intro to Historical Study

I am going to CNM in my third semester and I am going for a History Degree with no specific area.