Portland: The Night Version

Jeremy Bishop via www.unsplash.com

If you truly want to witness a strange spectacle, forget about the circus, just go to downtown Portland on a Saturday night. All joking aside, Portland in recent years has developed a positive reputation for having a vibrant night life scene. There are a number of reasons for this, but personally I simply enjoy taking in the scenery. If you wish to take in some of this scenery, here is a video to admire.

The people watching by itself is cheap entertainment. Words alone are not enough to describe what might see on a bustling weekend night. Rest assured, there are plenty of colorful individuals that will make you have to erase the grin that continually tries to appear on your face. However, Portland also has a gentrified side to its personality.

Believe it not, there are “normal” people who call Portland home. If your nightlife tastes do fall into this center category there are plenty of establishments that will cater to your fancy.

Truth of the matter though, that’s not what the city is famous for. Portland actually holds two world records. Number one. More breweries than any other city in the worldA vast majority of these are craft breweries. Craft brews are generally beers of a darker variety than your typical light beer. A typical Portland brewery will usually create their own original beers, but they also produce traditional brews such as stouts and brown ales. Besides the breweries, the city is also home to a lengthly list of different distilleries. Perhaps this how Portland earned “Rip City” as one of its nicknames.

Booze aside, Portland also another record. Number two. More strips clubs than any other city (yes, even more than Las Vegas). Part of the reason for this is a combination of Oregon laws. Oregon already has a liberal stance regarding alcohol as we were just discussing, but Oregon is also one of the few states that allows full nudity in clubs. These clubs may not be everyone’s cup of tea obviously, but if it is your bag, you have plenty to choose from!

What I’ve presented in this post really only is the tip of the iceberg, but I think its enough to tantalize your own taste buds. One a final note, downtown Portland is usually considered convenient for a night out since the city is far more compact compared cities such as Seattle. In other words, you do not have to do much walking. All in all, Portland’s nightlife has something for everyone. One thing is for certain however. No matter what your tastes may be, downtown Portland will never be dull.

