Why is Portland Weird?

Sean O. via unsplash.com

Portland, Oregon has become an urban utopia for freethinkers, beatniks, hipsters, and others who want to break from the norm. With such a condensed grouping of people you might be inclined to think Portland has always been this way. Well, believe it or not, this is not the case. Portland’s culture and history is dynamic indeed, and we will be exploring these things and more with this blog.

During the 19th century, Portland was a frontier town with nothing more than some simple timber buildings and dirt roads that would become a disturbing muddy mess when it rained (yes it does rain a lot in Oregon). By the late 20th century it had become a conservative and rundown city which was not considered a desirable place to live. Now of course, things have changed. Portland has many unique sightings and events, which I will discuss in greater detail in upcoming posts.

So how does a city transform itself into a capitol for the weird and wonderful? There are various thoughts and theories. Some citizens have postulated it was the price of real estate. Up until the 1990s, Portland was considered a cheaper place to live compared to other west coast cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles. As a result, affordable housing may have attracted modern day Bohemians to the city. This could be a contributing factor, but another theory could offer additional support.

During my research, I tripped across an article which attributed Portland’s recent transformation to brilliant urban planning. The city as far back as the 1970s basically designed Portland to grow in a compact matter, eliminating the need for suburbs and other areas prone to urban blight. Transportation and infrastructure is another contributing factor. If you have driven a Portland highway, you may notice off-ramps that simply lead to nowhere. This is because the urban planning from years ago was so efficient that some of these off-ramps are still not needed today. Portland’s efficient public transit system is also unique for a city of its relatively small size.

When all these things are put together, this could explain how Portland has been able to carve a unqiue identity and culture for itself. Economically it is also prospering compared to other American cities like Detroit, Michigan which have been struggling for some time. In the end, it could be innovative people are drawn to Portland simply because it’s an innovative city. With that said, its hard to predict what Portland’s next chapter will be, but one thing is for sure, it certainly won’t be dull. More excitement is yet to come. Stay tuned.

