Weekly Market Update
by Dylan Berkenfeld and Morgen Lerner
The purpose of this Python code is to automate the process that is used to create a weekly financial market update. So, as an analyst, you could run this code at the end of every week and create an automatically populated PowerPoint Presentation. For the purpose of this document, we have provided an update on general market data (e.g., S&P 500) as well as an update on the FAANG stocks. However, this focus could easily be changed for various purposes.
A few notes: Please ensure that you pip install all of the required installations below. Additionally, some of the data that is used to create the presentation is not published until Friday evening. As such, we designed the file to be run every Saturday. You will notice that we reference ‘yesterday’ as an end point for some of the series as a result of this. Additionally, it is worth noting that this file will work if run on a day that is not Saturday. However, some of the data may not correctly align to dates as a result of this. The file could be updated to run on any day, but we have chosen Saturday.
Additionally, the file will save a PPT file in the same file that this is stored. Once a file has been created, in order to re-run this you must delete the existing file.”
Section 1: Installations
Step 1: Install required installations
pip install python-pptx
pip install pandas-datareader
pip install fredapi
Section 2: Data
Step 2: import relevant functions
from pptx import Presentation
from datetime import date, timedelta
import pandas as pd
from fredapi import Fred
from pptx.chart.data import CategoryChartData
from pptx.enum.chart import XL_CHART_TYPE
from pptx.util import Inches, Pt
import pandas_datareader as dr
Step 3: pull data from FRED API
fred = Fred(api_key='...')
[Note: You’ll have to get your own API key from FRED for this to work.)
first data pull: S&P500
sp500 = fred.get_series('SP500')sp500_latest = round(sp500[-1],2)sp500_week = round(sp500[-5],2)sp500_month = round(sp500[-30],2)
second data pull: NASDAQ
nasdaq = fred.get_series('NASDAQCOM')nasdaq_latest = round(nasdaq[-1],2)nasdaq_week = round(nasdaq[-5],2)nasdaq_month = round(nasdaq[-30],2)
third data pull: Dow Jones
dowjones = fred.get_series('DJIA')dowjones_latest = round(dowjones[-1],2)dowjones_week = round(dowjones[-5],2)dowjones_month = round(dowjones[-30],2)
Step 4: pull data from pandas_datareader’s yahoo! finance add-in
fourth data pull: trailing week’s data on big 5 tech stocks
end_date = date.today() - timedelta(days=1)
start_date = date.today() - timedelta(days=6)
fb_data = dr.get_data_yahoo('fb', start = start_date, end = end_date)
goog_data = dr.get_data_yahoo('goog', start = start_date, end = end_date)
aapl_data = dr.get_data_yahoo('aapl', start = start_date, end = end_date)
nflx_data = dr.get_data_yahoo('nflx', start = start_date, end = end_date)
amzn_data = dr.get_data_yahoo('amzn', start = start_date, end = end_date)
Section 3: Data Analysis and Calculations
today = date.today()
yesterday = today - timedelta(days=1)
week_list = []
for x in range (1, 6):
week_list.append(today - timedelta(days = x))sp500_wkly_change = round((sp500_latest/sp500_week-1)*100,2)
nasdaq_wkly_change = round((nasdaq_latest/nasdaq_week-1)*100, 2)
dowjones_wkly_change = round((dowjones_latest/dowjones_week-1)*100,2)fb_close = round(fb_data['Close'][-1],2)
fb_change = round((fb_close / fb_data['Close'][0] -1)*100,2)goog_close = round(goog_data['Close'][-1],2)
goog_change = round((goog_close / goog_data['Close'][0] -1)*100,2)aapl_close = round(aapl_data['Close'][-1],2)
aapl_change = round((aapl_close / aapl_data['Close'][0] -1)*100,2)nflx_close = round(nflx_data['Close'][-1],2)
nflx_change = round((nflx_close / nflx_data['Close'][0] -1)*100,2)amzn_close = round(amzn_data['Close'][-1],2)
amzn_change = round((amzn_close / amzn_data['Close'][0] -1)*100,2)
Section 4: Add Slides
Step 5: define ppt variables
prs = Presentation()
title_slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[0]
bullet_slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[1]
chart_slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[5]
Step 6: insert slides
title slide
cover = prs.slides.add_slide(title_slide_layout)
title = cover.shapes.title
subtitle = cover.placeholders[1]title.text = "Weekly Financial Market Update"
subtitle.text = f'Week Ending {yesterday} \nPrepared {today}'
exec summary
execsum = prs.slides.add_slide(bullet_slide_layout)
shapes = execsum.shapestitle_shape = shapes.title
body_shape = shapes.placeholders[1]title_shape.text = 'Executive Summary'body = body_shape.text_frame
body.text = f'The S&P500 closed the week at {sp500_latest}'bullet = body.add_paragraph()
if sp500_wkly_change > 0:
bullet.text = f'This represents a {sp500_wkly_change}% increase since COB Monday'
bullet.text = f'This represents a {sp500_wkly_change}% decrease since COB Monday'
bullet.level = 1bullet = body.add_paragraph()
bullet.text = f'The Dow Jones closed the week at {dowjones_latest}'bullet = body.add_paragraph()
if dowjones_wkly_change > 0:
bullet.text = f'This represents a {dowjones_wkly_change}% increase since COB Monday'
bullet.text = f'This represents a {dowjones_wkly_change}% decrease since COB Monday'
bullet.level = 1bullet = body.add_paragraph()
bullet.text = f'The Nasdaq closed the week at {nasdaq_latest}'bullet = body.add_paragraph()
if nasdaq_wkly_change > 0:
bullet.text = f'This represents a {nasdaq_wkly_change}% increase since COB Monday'
bullet.text = f'This represents a {nasdaq_wkly_change}% decrease since COB Monday'
bullet.level = 1
sp500 line chart
line_chart_weekly = prs.slides.add_slide(chart_slide_layout)
title_shape = line_chart_weekly.shapes.title
title_shape.text = 'Weekly SP500 Performance'chart_data = CategoryChartData()
chart_data.categories = week_list
chart_data.add_series('SP500',(sp500[-1],sp500[-2],sp500[-3],sp500[-4],sp500[-5]))x, y, cx, cy = Inches(2), Inches(2), Inches(6), Inches(4.5)
chart = line_chart_weekly.shapes.add_chart(
XL_CHART_TYPE.LINE, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data
).chartchart.has_legend = True
chart.legend.include_in_layout = False
chart.series[0].smooth = True
dow jones line chart
line_chart_weekly = prs.slides.add_slide(chart_slide_layout)
title_shape = line_chart_weekly.shapes.title
title_shape.text = 'Weekly Dow Jones Performance'chart_data = CategoryChartData()
chart_data.categories = week_list
chart_data.add_series('Dow Jones',(dowjones[-1],dowjones[-2],dowjones[-3],dowjones[-4],dowjones[-5]))x, y, cx, cy = Inches(2), Inches(2), Inches(6), Inches(4.5)
chart = line_chart_weekly.shapes.add_chart(
XL_CHART_TYPE.LINE, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data
).chartchart.has_legend = True
chart.legend.include_in_layout = False
chart.series[0].smooth = True
nasdaq line chart
line_chart_weekly = prs.slides.add_slide(chart_slide_layout)
title_shape = line_chart_weekly.shapes.title
title_shape.text = 'Weekly Nasdaq Performance'chart_data = CategoryChartData()
chart_data.categories = week_list
chart_data.add_series('Nasdaq',(nasdaq[-1],nasdaq[-2],nasdaq[-3],nasdaq[-4],nasdaq[-5]))x, y, cx, cy = Inches(2), Inches(2), Inches(6), Inches(4.5)
chart = line_chart_weekly.shapes.add_chart(
XL_CHART_TYPE.LINE, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data
).chartchart.has_legend = True
chart.legend.include_in_layout = False
chart.series[0].smooth = True
FAANG stock update
slide = prs.slides.add_slide(chart_slide_layout)title_shape = slide.shapes.title
title_shape.text = 'FAANG Stock Weekly Update'x, y, cx, cy = Inches(2), Inches(2), Inches(6), Inches(2)
shape = slide.shapes.add_table(6, 3, x, y, cx, cy)table = shape.tablecell = table.cell(0, 0)
cell.text = 'Stock'cell = table.cell(1, 0)
cell.text = 'Facebook'cell = table.cell(2, 0)
cell.text = 'Amazon'cell = table.cell(3, 0)
cell.text = 'Apple'cell = table.cell(4, 0)
cell.text = 'Netflix'cell = table.cell(5, 0)
cell.text = 'Google'cell = table.cell(0, 1)
cell.text = 'Close ($)'cell = table.cell(1, 1)
cell.text = str(fb_close)cell = table.cell(2, 1)
cell.text = str(amzn_close)cell = table.cell(3, 1)
cell.text = str(aapl_close)cell = table.cell(4, 1)
cell.text = str(nflx_close)cell = table.cell(5, 1)
cell.text = str(goog_close)cell = table.cell(0, 2)
cell.text = 'Weekly Percent Change'cell = table.cell(1, 2)
cell.text = str(fb_change)cell = table.cell(2, 2)
cell.text = str(amzn_change)cell = table.cell(3, 2)
cell.text = str(aapl_change)cell = table.cell(4, 2)
cell.text = str(nflx_change)cell = table.cell(5, 2)
cell.text = str(goog_change)
Section 5: Save File
prs.save(f'Market Update {today}.pptx')
Original files available here: