Why Thought Leadership Marketing is Important for Your Consultancy

Meghna Pradhan
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2017

Trust is the most powerful currency in an education and migration consultancy business. Education and migration consultancies have been popping up like mushrooms since it is easy to set one up. As not a lot of investment is required, some of these agencies do not mobilize their resources prudently. So, it goes without saying that people wanting to go abroad for education and employment are wary of such agencies. When the target customers do not trust your agency, they will not do business with you. To be successful in this industry it is imperative to instill trust in your agency in the target market. This is where thought leadership marketing comes into play.

So before we dive in, let’s understand what thought leadership actually means and its importance. Thought leadership marketing is a technique that aims to position a brand or company as an expert and a leader in their respective fields through the content they provide. A thought leader is often sought out and recognized as an expert in their field. People trust thought leaders and stamp them as credible sources. Being a thought leader is a strategic move. It takes hard work, time and ethics to be recognized as one.

So, why is it important for your consultancy to be a thought leader?

  1. Brand visibility

The world today is a multi-device world with customers present in multiple channels having access to abundant information. People aiming to go abroad for education or employment comb the internet for all kinds of information pertaining to their needs. According to research, 93% of buying journey starts with online searches. Being available in all channels as an expert and providing relevant information when the customers conduct their research will ensure brand visibility and will help you stand out from the crowd.

2. Brand trust

According to a poll,71% customers trust solutions that provide useful information which is not trying to sell a product or service. Without the motive to sell a product or service, content based on thought leadership marketing aims to become a reliable source of information. Educational content as such builds trust and brand preference. The target audience starts associating your agency with insight and credibility and will be more inclined to invest in your agency than your competitors.

3. Increase sales leads

Thought leadership marketing is a good tool to increase the sales lead for education and migration consultancies alike. Confused students and prospective employment seekers look up for information online. When your consultancy provides educational resources relevant to the woes of your target audience people start trusting you. This creates brand trust and brand preference which entices them to invest in your consultancy. Increase in trust results in an increase in sales leads.

4. Helps build relationships with partner institutions

Thought leadership marketing can also be used to tempt reputed universities and institutions to partner with you. When your consultancy establishes itself as a thought leader and a credible source, reputed universities and other partner institutions would want to work with you as being associated with you will also affect their image as well.

Being a thought leader takes time, effort and consistency. You have to put in hours of research and analysis goes towards being one. However, the benefits of being recognized as the expert in the industry trump all the hardship the agencies have to go through. Thought leadership marketing is the way to gain the trust of the target market while also being the market leader in the industry.

