Advantages of using Retoken

Seda Mermer
Introducing Retoken
3 min readApr 15, 2022


Retoken refines the process of implementing manufacturer rewards through automated smart-contract incentives.

Blockchain technology is reinforcing existing rewards service models. The referral system becomes more transparent by digitizing the process where two agents can have unrestricted access to bonus programs.

Retoken opens a permissionless referral gateway. By creating high-quality mobile solutions for all parties involved in a merchandising process, Retoken, ups the ante by delivering an easily implementable solution.

The blockchain integration suggested by Retoken focuses on solving the issues of three key actors: manufacturers, sellers, and buyers.

Below we cover key elements which showcase Retoken’s ability to disrupt existing referral systems and why these represent an advantage for automating the process through blockchain.

Empowering Real Businesses

When unsynchronized, bonus incentives become less effective. Retoken curves the uncertainty angle through an automated decentralized platform connecting manufacturers, producers, and buyers.

Manufacturers can use the Retoken console and implement global, national, or local bonus programs. In addition, Retoken improves revenues for companies by systemizing the referral system by linking with real business cases.

On the other hand, sellers and buyers can participate in a robust bonus system pushed forth by Retoken. Producers can obtain real-time data on the number of products that are being sold by the number of points attributed to each seller.

Buyers who obtain loyalty tokens can also provide rich insights into user preferences as Retoken cultivates positive reinforcements to reward participants for reviewing their preferred products positively.

Automated Transparent Referal System

Retoken creates a decentralized system that provides additional benefits for manufacturers. By accessing Retoken’s global network, producers can ensure beneficial partnerships, helping their company expand vertically. In addition, it secures access to a new market while providing new business development opportunities.

Mobile Solution

Without fast access to referral bonuses, participants are less likely to participate in the competition. Retoken’s mobile wallet allows users to rapidly share the referral link while also using the wallet to gather points in the form of tokens.

Every transaction that takes place on the network is immutable and transparent. This ensures every incentive participation is secure and accounted for.

Safe Data Handling Approach

Retoken is built on the Binance Smart Chain. The protocol is one of the most widely used blockchains. Retoken ensures high network stability and data security by building on top of BSC.

Unlike Ethereum, transactions on BSC are not subjected to high network fees. This means Retoken and its users can interact seamlessly with the platform without paying exorbitant fees. Moreover, BSC has a higher TPS output, and users will not incur any network congestions while processing tokens transfers.

Exchanging Token For Currency

In-house or third-party incentive programs don’t provide financial incentives. If they do, every token generated from a sale or purchase has to be used/spet on the same platform. As a result, program participants have fewer incentives to participate, which leads to a decrease in project efficiency.

Through Retoken, participants are rewarded with RETO tokens. Token will then be able to be transferred and exchanged for currency. The ReToken wallet will facilitate token exchange on the app itself.

