Josh Simoncic
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2022


The Suptho Wave is a digital gesture and a means of connection. It can be used to start a dialogue without an awkward conversation starter, meet someone new, or to simply acknowledge another person.


A wave is a nonverbal communication gesture that people commonly use to greet each other. It permeates across cultures and language barriers allowing individuals to address one another without the use of words. At Suptho, we’re convinced that the gesture of a wave is the most frictionless, and friendliest form of initial interaction. A simple wave can open up the door of possibility at the interpersonal level. It is the least invasive and least awkward form of greeting. No words are necessary.

The Suptho mission is to bring the ‘social’ back to social media. To bring genuine connection and interaction to the center stage. Digitizing the wave and bringing it to our product using a unique, intuitive, and impactful user experience will allow people to effortlessly connect.

Digital gestures are not an entirely new concept. Let’s look at Facebook’s Poke feature for example. Facebook describes poking as a way to say “‘hello” or get your friends attention, however, it did not take the center stage as a main feature and was seen as a somewhat of a gimmick. The poke is still accessible on Facebook today, but it is hidden to users like an obscure relic of the past. We believe the poke failed because 1. It had no clear function and 2. It did not hold enough weight and was used as an afterthought. Something was lost in translation when poking someone.

When you wave to someone in real life, and that person waves back, there is a neurological and chemical response that occurs in the brain. It feels good to acknowledge and to be acknowledged. Likewise, when you give a gift, or receive one, that same neurological response occurs. Our goal with The Wave is to introduce a digital gesture as an integral part of the app that holds the same weight as its physical counterparts, while giving people a frictionless way to welcome others.


Using a unique blend of haptics, design, user experience and cryptocurrency, we will successfully bring The Wave to our application as one of it’s core functionalities. Let’s dive into the crypto aspect.

Our in-app utility token, Suptoshi ($WAVE), will be the main facilitator of this Wave functionality. To send a Wave on Suptho is to send one $WAVE token. This micro-transaction brings with it an exchange of energy and emotion between two individuals. It is a micro-gift, an acknowledgement, and a greeting. It is enough to show intention, while also small enough to remain a laid back approach to saying hello or recognizing someone. This $WAVE token transaction will be accompanied by haptics and design to accentuate the feeling of sending and receiving the digital wave.

We know that giving and receiving gifts illicit a positive neurological response, as does waving and greeting others. By tying these aspects together and introducing them as one core functionality package, we will bring Waving to the digital realm. When you send a wave you will feel it. When you receive one you’ll feel it too. So… what’s up though?

