The Untold definition Of Women In my Islamic perceptions.


Who is a Woman?

She is that person who is so strong she can be gentle, so educated she can be humble, so fierce she can be compassionate, so passionate she can be rational and so disciplined she can be free. Yes, she is beautiful, for she is God’s creation. She always smile and she is kind, for smiling is an act of charity, and anyone who takes the time to be kind is beautiful. Every woman is a queen, except she however chooses not to be. The color of her skin should not be a goal for recognition or a cause for degrading treatment. Every woman is entitled to life, liberty, and security; no woman should be subjected to cruel behavior.

Every woman wears an invincible crown that only a true king can see, everything about her is special, her character is her weapon and her virtues are her guide. She is always patient, for God loves those who are patient. She is always respectful, for respect will take her to high places. Her beauty lies under how she dress, walk, talk and behave.


Nowadays, a lot of people misunderstood decency for lack of civilization or lack of exposure, a woman should not display parts of her body to be identified as being civilized and exposed, her worth should not be attached to her body. A woman becomes more beautiful when she covers up, she values and respects her body by not exposing it and protecting herself from being disrespected or mistreated. But who decides what modesty or decency is? during the early 80s when it was taboo for a woman to be seen in public with tight clothes, let alone leaving any part of the chest or thighs uncovered which by the way, is now the order of the day. Now, the 90s and the definition of decency and modesty started to differ amongst our generation so much so that there were specific (Cinderella) gowns reserved for religious places while it was ok to reveal some parts of the chest and a little bit of flesh above the knees (the birth of minis) when appearing in public for other functions besides religious engagements. How I wish those days could return.

As a woman, your manners are your beauty, you don’t need to be prettier. You need to quit comparing yourself with what you see in your mirror to what you see on your TV screen and social media, one is reality, and the other is a presentation. No need to be a little skinnier, or have a perfect body. Those models you see are products, Photoshopping is unachievable beauty marketed as natural beauty. You don’t need to be lighter skin or darker skin, you just need to stand up for yourself and be happy and most importantly be grateful to God. He has created you in the most beautiful form you can ever be.


Marriage is a wonderful thing; it’s a huge deal in a person’s life regardless of your gender, and who you marry is the most important decision you’ll ever make in your life. And “marry well” doesn’t just mean your life partner, it also means who you will do business with, who you befriend, who you choose to be around with all the time. Relationships are hard enough, but it takes a real champion of a person to be married to someone obsessed with a creative pursuit. Being married as a woman, most of the time you have to be a maid, a motivational speaker, a mother, and an editor, all at once. So, marry someone who wants to invest in you, learn from you, see and encourage your success. Marry someone who will support you during ease and hardship, who will help uplift your faith when you’re feeling down. Someone willing to provide an atmosphere of happiness for you, and ultimately who loves you sincerely for the sake of God. Marry someone who advises you, and ultimately, someone who gives you peace, and pray for you.

However, marriage should not be pressurized or rushed; and it should not be your only priority in life as a woman. Focus on other things like building a career and having a life of your own, doing what you like and what makes you happy. Pursue your dreams and never doubt yourself, never question your blessings, and always believe in yourself. Create a life for yourself, and an atmosphere, where other people can come in and benefit. Along the way when you meet the right person, get married, live a life of substance and a great legacy behind. Most importantly marry someone that will guide you all the way to paradise.



Fathiyah Abba Adamu
Introduction to Data Science and its Importance

A visionary enthusiast on a journey of continuous learning.A passionate amateur writer exploring topics close to the heart. A Business Intelligence professional