Landscape Photography

An exploratory learning guide


“A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed.”

–Ansel Adams

To Do

  1. Ansel Adams emulation
  2. Additional landscape photographer emulation (choose from the list below)
  3. Your single best landscape, along with a brief written explanation of what is going on and why it is your best image.
  4. Key Reading: 4 Essential Ingredients
  5. A written reflection. Incorporate what you’ve read and examples you’ve seen while looking at Ansel Adams’ work as well as other landscape photographers. You’ve also read an article on landscape photography and taken a number of landscapes yourself. Describe what you’ve learned about this particular type of photography. Here are some questions that could help direct your reflection:
  • What would you say the “essence” of landscape photography is?
  • What are some things unique to landscape photography that you have to consider while shooting?

Landscape Photographers

Eliot Porter, Peter Lik, Galen Rowell, Joe Cornish, Andreas Gursky, Per Bak Jensen, John Blakemore, Stuart Klipper, Alex Boyd, Samuel Burns, Scott Hotaling

More on Ansel

Ansel Adams rare footage, lost prints, a video about a famous print


Dynamic Landscape Images, Better Panoramic Landscapes, Positioning the Horizon, Lightroom Landscape Workflow, Sharp Landscapes, Composition, Scale, Clouds, Colour Theory, Being Patient, Foreground Choice, 10 Tips, Buildings, Supporting Cast, Sharp Focus (video), Using Foreground Elements

