Reasons to Love Medium

I’ll give you a few of mine.

Cassandra Here
Introspection, Exposition


Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

I’ll be honest, as I always am. I came to Medium this summer for the potential to make money writing and the benefit of establishing a “presence.”

Can you blame me? How many articles have you read about how much people are making?

And yes, I do still see money-making potential here, but there’s so much more.

Medium has a genuine community

When I’m having a crap day, which this year is full of, the community is something I can wrap myself in. Maybe I can’t finish this article right now, but I can go read and interact with some fabulous people.

And yes, sure, there are people who are churning out middling content, trying to get as many reads as possible (who isn’t?), and doing only what’s obligatory. But for the most part, that’s not who I’m seeing. Or, that’s not who I think about when I think about this platform.

There are writers here whose work I love but who I also have come to care about as people in a corny and sort of embarrassing way. I’ve never met these writers, but I’ve come to believe they’re interesting, kind, genuine people who are both dedicated to their work and excited to support others.

