When Something Needs to Be Written

It can become hard to write anything else

Cassandra Here
Introspection, Exposition
3 min readJan 30, 2021


Speckled bird’s egg in nest
Photo by Vignesh Jayaprakash on Unsplash

This week, I’ve been great at getting things done for the various publications I edit for — Introspection, Exposition, Fill in the Blanks, and About Me Stories), but I haven’t been so good at getting writing done that’s just for me.

I have several stories that I’ve started or done a fair bit of work on, but few stories have made it all the way through the entire gestational process.

Why? Good question.

(Actually, ‘Why?’ is almost always a good question. It’s my favorite question, with ‘What if?’ coming in a close second.)

The answer, as soon as I asked the question, was clear, albeit annoying:

There was something else I needed to write. And ignoring the thing I needed to write was only going to continue to make my writing life difficult.

I’ve mentioned my journals here on Medium on many occasions, but one thing I haven’t admitted about them is that often they’re missing entries for the days and/or events that I know were some of the most impactful.


Well, because the most impactful moments in my life were inherently emotional.

